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Thursday 4 th December Football Futures - Developing a Future Workforce Jo de Tute West Riding County FA.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 4 th December Football Futures - Developing a Future Workforce Jo de Tute West Riding County FA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 4 th December Football Futures - Developing a Future Workforce Jo de Tute West Riding County FA

2 Football Futures – Developing a Future Workforce Have you ever considered getting young people involved in the running of your club?

3 Football Futures – Developing a Future Workforce Why should you get involved? Grow your own current workforce Gain expertise in specialist areas e.g. marketing, media Develop the future workforce of your club Provide support to current volunteers Representation and gain the opinions of young people Get a Young Person’s perspective to understand their needs Truly represent the whole club/community

4 Football Futures – Developing a Future Workforce What’s going on out there already? Delivery of Junior Football Leaders Courses Support to attend further Coach Education Courses (bursaries) Additional workshop/CPD opportunities Setting up Junior Committees Certificates for attainment of hours through Football Futures 10, 25, 50, up to 200 hours; 6 themes ; Coaching & Working with Teams / Refereeing / Promoting the Game Running & Supporting Events / Running & Developing the Game / RESPECT Ambassador Good Practice ; Battyeford Sporting / Thornes Juniors Skipton Town Juniors /Castleford White Rose

5 Football Futures – Developing a Young Workforce Inspiration…. “I've always said if it wasn’t for West Riding I don't think I would be where I am now with my coaching” “Young people are the future of our club. Yes as players, but also as coaches, event organisers, administrators and everything in between. It is vital we engage with them and support their development.” “ The WRCFA Football Futures programme gives you a great insight into what opportunities are available in football – it has helped me realise my ambitions and give me a real direction in my volunteering”

6 Any Questions?

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