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2 | The University of Newcastle Why think about culture now?

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2 2 | The University of Newcastle Why think about culture now?

3 3 | The University of Newcastle Why think about culture now? Staff across UON said….. Increase collaboration Eliminate conflicting priorities Embrace diversity of opinions Empower and enable staff Become more student focused Reduce governance levels Increase corporate transparency Become more flexible and responsive Improve decision-making Achieve operational efficiencies Break down internal silos Improve execution of plans Build a united university Increase industry engagement …and we have an opportunity to changeBecause the world is changing Changing student expectations Rapid increase in competition Changing community expectations Sustainability and survival Concern around funding issues Changing technological landscape Shifts in delivery model Uncertainty over deregulation Changing industry expectations Increase in rate of change Increasing globalisation Changing government expectations Changing external environment Prepare for the next 50 years

4 4 | The University of Newcastle What is culture? The shared beliefs, values, norms, and assumptions that shape the behaviour of people within organisations. Or simply……. It’s the way we do things around here.

5 5 | The University of Newcastle We asked over 130 staff in 12 workshops, plus received over 400 responses to a short staff survey….. To successfully implement the NeW Futures strategy, what 3 or 4 behaviours will we need to master? What should our culture be?

6 6 | The University of Newcastle Staff responded…. 1.Collaborative 2.Empowered 3.Forward-thinking 4.Courageous 5.Agile 6.Open-minded 7.Outward Looking 8.Outcomes Focused

7 7 | The University of Newcastle Courageous Empowered Outcomes Focused Collaborative Forward-thinking Open-Minded Outward Looking Agile

8 8 | The University of Newcastle


10 10 | The University of Newcastle ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL SLIDES

11 11 | The University of Newcastle Where does the culture fit?

12 12 | The University of Newcastle Understanding culture Culture is caught, not taught Culture change = behaviour change Culture is fluid, not fixed Culture is the aggregate of sub-cultures Culture changes over time, not overnight Culture is real, not ethereal Aim for unity, not uniformity Leadership Strategy CultureResults

13 13 | The University of Newcastle organisational culture leadership behaviour norms of behaviour values employee behaviour attitudes assumptions beliefs Culture is caught not taught How culture occurs

14 14 | The University of Newcastle Implementing the behaviours Four culture “buttons” Communications Behaviours Systems and Structures Signals Communications Behaviours Signals CommunicationBehaviour Systems and Structures Signals Share our efforts/progress with colleagues Learn from the experience of others Live the behaviours Call out any behaviour that doesn’t fit the culture Identify any systems and structures that inhibit the behaviours Be alert to what’s going on around us Change visible activities that work against the behaviours

15 15 | The University of Newcastle What is curious? Willingness to unlock what is not obvious Going into areas that we haven’t been before Challenge to the status-quo Imagining future possibilities Willingness to be early adopters Awareness of what others are doing inside and outside our organisation Breaking new ground Investigation of stakeholders’ wants and needs Consideration of different views New sources of insight and input Resourcing exploration Being risk aware, not risk averse Respect and valuing of all views Testing ideas Sharing of lessons learned Receptive to change and new ways of doing things

16 16 | The University of Newcastle Curious is not… ‘Random’ curiosity that is unlikely to generate benefit for UON The paradigm as an excuse Refusal to change because “it’s how we’ve always done it” Repetition Hierarchical evaluation of ideas Rashness Benchmarking only within the University rather than looking outside

17 17 | The University of Newcastle What is collaborative? Taking an interest beyond your ‘patch’ Active listening Overcoming physical barriers through relationships and proactive inclusion Valuing and rewarding the engagement and contribution of all staff Respect for different perspectives Participation through interest Thinking of the common good – beyond individual Shared understanding of contribution to business goals Focus on quality through shared ownership of outcomes Celebration Taking action as agreed Continuous improvement Sharing of lessons learned Being prepared to invest time on outcomes that are great for UON even if they don’t match my own goals

18 18 | The University of Newcastle Collaborative is not… Taking individual credit Blaming ‘All care, no responsibility’ Delegating without ownership Absence of trust via over controlled processes Derogative use of language/labels Excluding staff/disempowering staff More meetings without a purpose

19 19 | The University of Newcastle What is courageous? Proactivity Innovation Distributed leadership Leading from front Informed/calculated risk taking Action ahead of perfection Transformation Courage to “stop” Ethical maintenance Respectful challenges Empowerment and ownership Resolving problems Ideas being voiced New programs Leaders being open to new ideas and actioning Fairness and transparency Disruptive ideas Being agile enough to change direction part way through Handing control of learning over to the students  fundamental changes to teaching Outcome driven activity

20 20 | The University of Newcastle Courageous is not… Change for change sake Disrespect or dismissal of ideas Waiting for ideas to come from senior staff “We always do it this way” Closing down discussions Process driven activity Refusal to adapt Not speaking out Leaders being threatened by poor performers Labelling Criticising Fear

21 21 | The University of Newcastle Embedding the culture Many of our NeW Futures strategic initiatives and projects will support the new culture e.g.. Teaching of the Future, Global Impact Clusters, The UON Entrepreneur, etc…. In addition, other initiatives are being implemented to embed the culture. These include: Dedicated webpages – Campus Conversations for the Curious – informal sessions to engage with UON leaders Staff conference - new perspectives, capability development, celebrating success Hackathon – identifying system improvements and workshopping possible solutions Redesigning Performance Management tools - Leadership Framework, PEF, promotions process Stories of Success – shared using different communication channels

22 22 | The University of Newcastle Activity 1 SELF/TEAM REFLECTION Thinking about each of the behaviours and using the worksheet, consider what you and your team: -currently do well -could do differently

23 23 | The University of Newcastle Activity 2 YOUR COMMITMENT Shifting elements of our workplace culture will require action from everyone, at all levels and in all pockets of the organisation. Starting today, what do you commit to doing?

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