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Leadership Academy opportunity for high school age students with a disability (10 th, 11 th, 12 th ). The YLF assists high school students with disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Academy opportunity for high school age students with a disability (10 th, 11 th, 12 th ). The YLF assists high school students with disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Academy opportunity for high school age students with a disability (10 th, 11 th, 12 th ). The YLF assists high school students with disabilities focus on the big picture of their life. Modeled after the California YLF model, Oklahoma has created a unique program to compel students with disabilities to take action and responsibility for their futures. Photo of Youth Leadership Forum logo. Oklahoma is written vertically on left. Photo of the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council logo. ODDC is in the middle with the shape of Oklahoma in red and in the middle. WHAT IS IT?

2 Photo of students during a problem solving game at YLF.

3 ACTIVITIES AT YLF Problem solving / Collaborative Games Leadership styles Personal Advocacy Mock student-led IEPs Employment Volunteering Disability History Person Centered Practices Creating a personal leadership plan Etiquette Systems advocacy Legislative processes Mock Legislative Debate

4 Photo of three students socializing on break Photo of four students and graduates playing a game Photo of students and staff during formal dinner.

5 Outstanding fellowship Access to nationally known, successful self-advocate speakers, as well as state agency personnel Dozens of resources during & after YLF Room & Board Nursing care Accommodations, as needed (interpreters, etc.) Reimbursement for transportation – as needed YLFs COMMITTMENT

6 Photo of LeDerick Horne Photo of Camber Moulton and Chuck Roberts Photo of Michael Beers Photo of Governor Fallin and student Photo of Lieutenant Governor Lamb and student Photo of Representative Sherrer Photo of Representative Echols

7 “ YLF showed me that when I am talking no one will laugh at me because I am slow. People will listen to me.” - Luke, 2010 What Luke’s parents had to say after YLF: “YLF was an answer to a prayer for him. He has a lot more responsibility and initiative.” Photo of YLF graduate speaking in the Oklahoma House of Representatives Chamber.

8 If you have questions about YLF or the application process, contact Jen 405-521-4964 800-836-4470 Photo of Youth Leadership Forum logo. Oklahoma is written vertically on left. Photo of the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council logo. ODDC is in the middle with the shape of Oklahoma in red and in the middle.

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