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The Reproductive Systems Lecture 11. Male Reproductive System Male Reproductive System.

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1 The Reproductive Systems Lecture 11

2 Male Reproductive System Male Reproductive System

3 Functions of The Male Reproductive System Produce millions of sperm and deliver them into the female body where one sperm can unite with a single ovum (egg) to create a new life.

4 Structures of the Male Reproductive System The External Male Genitalia Penis Scrotum 2 Testicles, (each with an attached coiled tube the epididymis). Note: Term genitalia means reproductive organs

5 Structures of the Male Reproductive System The Internal Male Genitalia The prostate gland The bulbourethral Glands Vas Deferens Seminal vesicles Urethra The sperm and semen formation


7 Structures of the Male Reproductive System The External Male Genitalia Penis Used for sexual intercourse and urination. MeaningCombining form Pens pen/i Phalll/i

8 Structures of the male reproductive system The External Male Genitalia Testicles, Testes Produce sperm and the male hormone testosterone. MeaningCombining form Testicles, Testes orch/o orchid/o Test/i Test/o Testicul/o

9 Pathology and Diagnostic procedure of the Male Reproductive System

10 Pathology of the Male Reproductive System Anorchism: Congenital absence of one or both testicles. Epididymitis: Inflammation of the epididymis. Azoospermia : Absence of sperm in the semen.

11 Pathology of the Male Reproductive System Oligospermia: Abnormally low number of sperm in the semen. Prostatomegaly: Abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland. Prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland.

12 Diagnostic procedures of the Male Reproductive System  Sperm analysis: is the testing to determine the volume plus the number, shape, size, and motility of the sperm.

13 Treatment procedures of the Male Reproductive System Circumcision : surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis and is usually performed a few days after birth. Orchidectomy : surgical removal of one or both testicles.

14 Medical Specialties of the Male Reproductive System Urologist: Specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and the genitourinary system of males.

15 Female Reproductive System Female Reproductive System

16 Functions of The Female Reproductive System The primary functions are the creation and support of new life. The ovaries produce mature eggs to be fertilized by the sperm (Fertilization). The uterus provides the environment and support for the developing child. After birth, the breasts produce milk to feed the child. Note:  Zygote: is a single cell formed by the union of the sperm and egg.

17 Medical Terms of Female genital system Gynecology: Study of the female genital tract ( gynec- means woman). Obstetric : A science dealing with the study of pregnancy and labor.

18 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The major female reproductive organs are located in the pelvic cavity and protected by bony pelvis. These organs include: 2 ovaries 2 fallopian tubes One Uterus Vagina

19 Structures of the Female reproductive system

20 Female Reproductive System

21 Structures of the FemaleRreproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia Ovaries Produce ova (eggs) and female hormones progesterone. Ovulation: is the release of a mature egg from the follicle (Fluid-filled sac containing a single ovum) on the surface of the ovary. MeaningCombining form ovaries Oophor/o Ovari/o

22 Structures of the male reproductive system Medical Terminology Meaning Oophoritis Inflammation of the ovary Ovariorrhexis Rupture of an ovary Oophorectomy Surgical removal of an ovary

23 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia Fallopian Tubes (oviducts). Catch mature ova, provide the site for fertilization, transport ova to uterus. MeaningCombining form Fallopian Tubes Salping/o

24 Structures of the male reproductive system Medical TerminologyMeaning Salpingitis Inflammation of the fallopian tubes Salpingo-Oophoritis Inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries

25 Structures of the Female reproductive system The Internal Female Genitalia Uterus Protects and supports the developing child. Parts Of The Uterus  Consists of three major area: Fundus: bulging rounded part above the entrance of the fallopian tubes. Corpus: is the middle portion. Cervix: is the lower narrow portion that extends into vagina.

26 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia The Tissues Of The Uterus  Composed of three major layers of tissue: Perimetrium: is the outer layer. Myometrium: is the middle layer. Endometrium: is the inner layer.

27 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia Uterus MeaningCombining form Uterus hyster/o Metr/ o Metri/ o Uter/ o


29 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia Vagina Used for sexual intercourse and also serves as channel for menstrual flow and birth. MeaningCombining form vagina vagin/o colp/ o


31 Structures of the Female Reproductive System The Internal Female Genitalia Placenta Exchanges nutrients and waste between the mother and fetus during pregnancy. MeaningCombining form placenta placent/o

32 Meaning Combining form Ovaries Oophor/ o – Ovari/ o Uterus Hyster/o - metri/o- metr/o- uter/o Neck of uterus Cervic/o Vagina Colp / o – vagin/o Breast Mast/o – mammo / o Month - menstruation Men/o Fallopian tubes Salping/o placenta Placent/o

33 Medical Terms Built from Men/o Menstruation (Menses): Monthly flow of blood from uterus. Menopause: Stop of menstruation. Menorrhagia( hypermenorrhea): Excessive flow of blood from uterus during menstruation (excessive menstrual flow). Metrorrhagia: Excessive flow of blood from uterus (bleeding from the uterus nonmenstrual)

34 Medical Terms Built from Men/o Metrorrhea : abnormal discharge, such as mucus or pus, from the uterus. Dysmenorrhea : painful menstruation. Amenorrhea: no menstruation (absence). Oligomenorrhea: decrease in quantity & duration or in frequency of menstruation. Polymenorrhea: too frequent menstruation.

35 Terms of Pregnancy and labor Nulligravida (never pregnant), Primigravida (First pregnant), Multigravida (many pregnancies) Pregnancy -gravida Nullipara (no live births), Multipara (many live births) Live birth -Para Prepartum, postpartum ( before and after delivery), Prenatal & postnatal Labor/birth/ delivery Part/o, Nat/o

36 Pathology and Diagnostic procedure of the Female Reproductive System

37 Pathology of the Female Reproductive System  Anovulation: is the failure to ovulate.  Ovarian cyst: is a fluid- filled sac on or within the ovary that occur when a follicle fails to rupture and release its ovum.  Polycystic ovary syndrome: enlargement of the ovaries caused by the presence of many cysts.

38 Pathology of the Female Reproductive System  Pyosalpinx: an accumulation of pus in the fallopian tube.  Hematosalpinx: an accumulation of blood in the fallopian tube.  Leukorrhea: a profuse whitish mucus discharge from the uterus and vagina.  Colpoptosis: prolapse of vagina.

39 Pathology of the Female Reproductive System  Endometritis: inflammation of the inner membrane of uterus.  Galactorrhea: increase flow of milk from breast.  Mastalgia: pain in the breast.  Mastitis : inflammation of one or both breasts

40 Diagnostic and Treatment procedures of the Female Reproductive System

41 Diagnostic procedures of the Female Reproductive System Colposcopy: visual examination to the interior of vagina. Pelvic ultrasonography: procedure that produces an image of sound waves of organs in the pelvis Pap smear: is an exfoliative biopsy for the detection of conditions that may be early indicators of cervical cancer. Hysterosalpingography: X-ray examination of uterus and fallopian tubes

42 Pap smear

43 Diagnostic procedures of the breasts Mammography : is a X-ray examination of the breast to detect the presence of the tumors. Mammoplasty: Surgical repair of the breast.

44 Treatment procedures of the Female Reproductive System Oral contraceptive drugs: drug prevent pregnancy (Contra- = against). Oxytocic drug: drug for induction of labor, by stimulation of uterine contraction (oxy= rapid, -tocic= delivery).

45 Medical Specialties of the Female Reproductive System Gynecologist: Specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system.

46 AbbreviationMeaning ABAbortion menmenstruation LMPLast menstrual period plplacenta HRTHormone replacement therapy



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