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 Why is it important to know and understand the functions of the male reproductive system (MRS)?

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2  Why is it important to know and understand the functions of the male reproductive system (MRS)?


4 Sperm – the sex cells that are made by males and that are needed to fertilize eggs. Testes – the male reproductive organs that produce sperm and testosterone.

5 Scrotum – the skin covered sac that surround the testes. Epididymis – once sperm are made they move into this coiled tube Vas Deferens – once a sperm matures, it travels into this tube

6 Semen – sperm and the added fluids Urethra - the tube that passes through the penis. Semen leave the body during ejaculation via this tube Prostate Gland – the male gland that adds fluid to the sperm to nourish and protect it.

7 Penis - the organ that removes urine from the male body and that can deliver sperm to the female reproductive system

8 Testosterone - the male hormone made by the testes.

9 How long does it take an immature sperm to mature? An immature sperm takes 2 – 10 days to fully mature.

10 What are some signs that a male is going through puberty? Shoulders get wider & develop muscles hair grows on the face and other body parts voice deepens At this time testosterone also causes the body to start making sperm.












22 Eggs - the sex cells of females that can be fertilized by sperm Ovaries – the female reproductive organs that produce eggs and hormones

23 Fallopian Tubes – connects the ovary to the uterus Uterus - the muscular organ the size of a fist where fertilized eggs develop.

24 Cervix - the narrow base of the uterus Endometrium – the lining of the uterus that thickens as an egg matures Placenta - a blood vessel-rich tissue that forms in a mother’s uterus

25 Vagina - reproductive organ that connects the uterus to the outside of the body.

26 If an egg is not fertilized, the blood vessels in the endometrium break down. The process in which the blood and tissue that built up in the uterus flows out of the body through the vagina.

27 a monthly series of hormone-controlled changes that mature an egg and prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Click on the picture above. This will take you to an animation. Make sure you click menstrual cycle at the top of the screen.

28 What are the two female hormones our body produces? Girls have all their eggs at birth. On average, how many are there? Estrogen and Progesterone Over 2 Million

29 When do eggs mature? Eggs begin to mature when a girl reaches puberty How often do eggs mature? One egg matures every 28 days Where are eggs fertilized? In the fallopian tubes

30 What happens to the egg if it is not fertilized? If it is not fertilized the blood vessels in the endometrium break down and the body gets rid of it through the vagina in your monthly menstrual cycle.









39 C8

40  This is the time of bleeding *menstruation

41  The lining of the uterus begins to thicken

42  Ovulation occurs When one ovary releases a mature egg into the fallopian tube

43  Egg travels through the fallopian tube making its way to the uterus. **If the egg is fertilized by sperm cell then the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall to develop into an embryo  fetus  baby **If the egg is not fertilized then it continues to travel into the uterus

44  Menstrual Cramps  Premenstrual Syndrome  Toxic Shock Syndrome  Ovarian Cyst  Breast Cancer  Cervical Cancer  Yeast Infection  Urinary Tract Infection

45  Due to hormone production during menstruation  Symptoms: Contractions of uterine muscles lower abdominal pain Occasional nausea

46  Premenstrual Syndrome Mental and physical changes related to menstrual cycle NOT completely understood  Irritability  Mood swings  Abdominal bloating  Breast tenderness

47  Toxic Shock Syndrome Poisoning of the body from bacteria often related to tampon use  Fever  Chills  Weakness  Rash on palms of hands

48  What is it? Fungus  How? Taking certain medications (ie. Birth control) Stress Illnesses affecting the immune system  Symptoms? Itching/irritation in the vagina Redness, swelling Pain during urination  What is it? Bacteria in the bladder  How? Sexual intercourse  What are the symptoms? Frequent urination Burning or pain while urinating Foul smelling urine Mild fever  How do I treat this? Call your doctor Yeast Infection Urinary Tract Infection * VERY COMMON

49  Failure of ovary to release an egg  Pain in lower abdomen or pelvis for up to a month

50 Abnormal cells in the cervix * May also be from an STI if left untreated  Pap Smear  Colposcopy

51  Breast Self-Examination

52  Female Reproductive Health Worksheet

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