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Teachers College Writing Workshop Carly Russavage

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1 Teachers College Writing Workshop Carly Russavage

2 Agenda 1) Presentation a) What is Writing Workshop b) Preschool Learning Foundations c) Learning Progression Overview d) How to plan and implement a rigorous Writing Workshop i) All documents are in your packet 2) 10 minutes a) Questions and Answers 3) 5 minutes a) feedback

3 Introductions 1. Name 2. Where you teach

4 What is Writing Workshop? What it is:What it isn’t: ●Developmentally Appropriate (show examples of developmental writing spectrum) ●About choice and writing strategies ●Focused on critical thinking and giving students an invitation to write and think ●Quick 10 minute minilessons so students have more time to write ●DIfferentiated Instruction ●Something students will get to learn in later grades ●Teachers telling students what to write about ●Teachers focusing on spelling or penmanship ●Lecturing at students ●Only whole group instruction

5 What is Writing Workshop? “A blank page presents children with an invitation (to make meaning), while reading presents them with an expectation (to figure out someone else’s meaning).” -Already Ready

6 Developmental Stages of Writing Reference: Read Right from the Start--Rollins Center

7 Writing is Developmentally Appropriate for Young Children ● The Preschool Learning Foundations

8 Preschool Learning Foundations









17 Learning Progression Preschool, Kindergarten, 1st Grade Learning Progression (page 1 in packet)Learning Progression

18 Table Group Discussion: What do your students need to know at your grade level? How will you get your students prepared for the next grade? You will get a handout You have 3 minutes

19 Lesson Planning Process

20 Minilesson As we watch the video think about the following: 1) What strategies did the teacher use to teach the lesson? 2) How did the students respond?

21 Minilesson Table discussion: 1) What strategies did the teacher use to teach the lesson? 2) How did the students respond? You have 3 minutes.

22 Lesson Planning Process Architecture of a minilesson document.(page 2 in packet)document Next, you will plan a minilesson.

23 Plan a minilesson Write a minilesson for the teaching point on (page 3 in packet). The lesson plan template is on (page 4 in packet). Teaching point: “So, writers, today, what I want to teach you is that it is not just grown-ups like Donald Crews (or another author) who write to teach people what they know. You can do that as well. You think of something you know about, and then with drawings and writing, you put what you know on the paper.” You have 10 minutes.

24 Conferring with Students Why it is important? How can it help with ELLs? Architecture of Conferences

25 Conferring Video Conferring Video: As we watch the video think about: What the teacher does What kinds of questions the teacher asks What the student does How this might impact the student

26 Table Discussion What did the teacher do? What kinds of questions did the teacher ask and why? What did the student do? How this might this conference impact the student? You have 3 minutes

27 Architecture of a Conference How to plan a conference. (page 5 in packet)plan You will get a copy of this document for your reference.

28 How to Plan a Conference Review the writingwriting Individual conferences--fill in individual conference individual (page 6 in packet) individual Small group conferences--fill in small group notes page small group (page 7 in packet) small group Use the “If...Then” (page 8 in packet)table to help plan small groups/individual conferencesIf...Then

29 Helpful Materials Curriculum: Writing Units of Study can be purchased through (donor’s choose will fund half of the cost under the “professional development” category.) Book: Already Ready--Nurturing Writers in Preschool and Kindergarten by: Katie Wood Ray and Matt Glover

30 Final Thoughts Choose one challenge that you might face and write down a name of a person on site that could support you. What are the first two steps that you will do to incorporate a more rigorous Writing Workshop in your class? Which strategies in the presentation are you excited to use in your classroom tomorrow?

31 Questions

32 Feedback form ~Thank you for attending!~

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