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Presenter: Tiffany Hsu. How many credits of General Education(GE) Courses should I earn? 32 Credits.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Tiffany Hsu. How many credits of General Education(GE) Courses should I earn? 32 Credits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Tiffany Hsu

2 How many credits of General Education(GE) Courses should I earn? 32 Credits

3 Curriculum Design Core Courses (16 credits) Basic Chinese (4) Foreign Languages (4) History and Citizenship (4) Philosophy and Art (4) Core Courses (16 credits) Basic Chinese (4) Foreign Languages (4) History and Citizenship (4) Philosophy and Art (4) Comprehensive Courses (2-6 credits) Leadership Forum (2) General Education Lecture Series (2) General Education Forum- Navigating College(2) Learning by Practice (2) Comprehensive Courses (2-6 credits) Leadership Forum (2) General Education Lecture Series (2) General Education Forum- Navigating College(2) Learning by Practice (2) Area Courses (10-14 credits) Humanities Social Sciences Natural and Engineering Sciences Life Sciences and Health Interdisciplinary Integration Area Courses (10-14 credits) Humanities Social Sciences Natural and Engineering Sciences Life Sciences and Health Interdisciplinary Integration GE Courses (32 credits) GE Courses (32 credits) (16 credits)

4 GE Courses in English for 2016 Spring Semester Code Course TitleArea 1A1 ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Core-Foreign Language 2AA CONSTIUTIONAL DEMOCRACY SYSTEM Core-History and Citizenship 3A9 INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMATNCE ARTS Core-Philosophy and Art 4A9 INTRODUCTION TO PERFORMATNCE ARTS Core-Philosophy and Art 5A9 THE ARTS AND CULTURE OF IRELAND Humanities 6A9 SELF-DEVELOPMENT:CHARISMA Social Sciences 7A9 ECONOMICS & LIFE Social Sciences 8A9 PLANT DECODING Life Sciences and Health 9A9 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN GLOBAL HEALTH Interdisciplinary Integration 10A9 ENGLISH EMPOWERMENT THROUGH COMMUNITY SERVICE Interdisciplinary Integration 11A9 GENERAL EDUCATION FORUM-NAVIGATING COLLEGE Comprehensive Course

5 Learning by Practice  A cluster of course  Get points to waive credits (18points  2 credits, 36 points  4credits, 54points  6crecdits)  Maximum of 6 credits  Learning categories: (Self-Learning, Work-Learning, Overseas-Learning, Praxis-Learning)  Course Guideline

6 Where can I find the course catalog of GE Courses?





11 Contact Information Category Code CoursesLocationContact Core Courses A7 Basic Chinese (4 credits) Department of Chinese Literature, Kuang-Fu Campus Mr. Chior, 52151 A1 Foreign Languages (4 credits) Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, 4F Hsiu Chi Building, Kuang-Fu Campus Ms. Liu, 52273 AG History and Citizenship (4 credits) History: Department of History, Kuang-Fu Campus History: Mr. Xu, 52340 Citizenship: Graduate Institute of Political Economy, College of Social Sciences, 6F, Li Hsing Campus Citizenship: Ms. Weng, 50250

12 Contact Information Category Code CoursesLocationContact Core CoursesA9 Philosophy and Art (4 credits) Center for General Education, 1F Yun Ping Administration Building, Kuang-Fu Campus Ms. Chen, 50212 Area CoursesA9 Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural and Engineering Sciences, and Life Sciences and Health, Interdisciplinary Integration Comprehensive Course A9 Leadership Forum, General Education Lecture Series, General Education Forum-Navigating College, Learning by Practice Center for General Education, 1F Yun Ping Administration Building, Kuang-Fu Campus Ms. Lan, 50216

13 GE Course Enrollment  3 phases of course enrollment  Maximum of 3 courses before 2 nd phase  3 rd phase: 1 st ~7 th March  NCKU Notice of Enrollment (website of Registrar’s Division)website of Registrar’s Division

14 Happy learning in NCKU! Thank you for your attention! Ms. Chen Ext.50212

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