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Outflows in nearby AGN and their relation with radio jets Thaisa Storchi Bergmann Instituto de Física, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Leiden Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Outflows in nearby AGN and their relation with radio jets Thaisa Storchi Bergmann Instituto de Física, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Leiden Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outflows in nearby AGN and their relation with radio jets Thaisa Storchi Bergmann Instituto de Física, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil Leiden Conference on Powerful Radio Galaxies, November 2009

2 Outflows in nearby AGN and their relation with radio jets Collaborators: Riffel, Simões Lopes, McGregor, Barbosa, Nemmen, Schnorr Müller, Winge, Axon,Robinson, Martini, Fathi

3 Integral Field Units at Gemini: “3D” spectroscopy Optical: GMOS FOV: 3.5” x5 ” or 5” x7 ” Sampling 0.2”, Res. 0.6” R~3000, λ6000 - λ9500A Near-IR: NIFS+ALTAIR FOV: 3” x 3” Sampling: 0.04”×0.1” Res. 0.1” R~6000, J, H & K-band

4 Kinematics in Seyferts: [SIII]9069 + CaT (Barbosa et al. 2009) NGC 3227 6 Nearby Seyferts: centroid velocity maps of inner ~400 pc from fits to [SIII]9069Å emission line: (1)Stellar kinematics (CaT): circular rotation; (2)Gas: circular rotation plus outflowing component (~200 km/s), highest velocities away from the nucleus; (3)Gas emission is not restricted to outflow; gas not outflowing shows circular rotation (origin: galaxy plane); (4)Outflows associated with radio structure; ejection in “blobs”; increased velocity dispersion;

5 NGC 3516 Kinematics in Seyferts: [SIII]9069 + CaT (Barbosa et al. 2009) 6 Nearby Seyferts: centroid velocity maps of inner ~400 pc from fits to [SIII]9069Å emission line: (1)Stellar kinematics (CaT): circular rotation; (2)Gas: circular rotation plus outflowing component (~200 km/s), highest velocities away from the nucleus; (3)Gas emission is not restricted to outflow; gas not outflowing shows circular rotation (origin: galaxy plane); (4)Outflows associated with radio structure; ejection in “blobs”; increased velocity dispersion;

6 Channel maps NGC3227 Stockton et al. 2007  C entroid velocity maps (center of profiles): highest velocities away from the nucleus  acceleration to ~100 pc?  NEW: Channel maps show high velocities (wings of the profiles) at the nucleus  no acceleration

7 Channel maps  Mass outflow rate: 10 -2 M  yr -1 ~ 10 times accretion rate -> gas from ISM  Kinetic power of outflow ~10 -4 L bol  If origin is push by radio jet, mass outflow rate in the jet: 10 -5 times the accretion rate NGC3516

8 GNIRS IFU observations (Riffel, R. A. et al. 2006) ESO428-G14:  Seyfert 2  IFU Gemini Near- Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS)  FOV: 3" x 5 "  J and K bands

9 Relation with radio jet: channel maps (Riffel, R. A. et al. 2006) White contours: radio image; Brγ kinematics follows radio component; rotation component more important in in H 2.

10 Feeding & feedback in NGC4151 (Storchi-Bergmann et al. 2009a) Molecular gas avoids cone, Te~2000K Coronal gas barely resolved [Fe II] enhanced by shocks: Ne~4000 cm -3, Te~15000K

11 NGC4151 channel maps: Storch-Bergmann et al. 2009b  Highest blueshifts at the nucleus and along axis of cone (dashed line); no evidence of acceleration suggested by [OIII] kinematics (Das et al. 2005)  Low velocities: loss of conical shape  ionized gas in the equatorial plane of the bicone  “torus” has “holes’’ and ionizes gas from the galaxy ISM Stockton et al. 2007

12 NGC4151 channel maps: relation with radio jet (blue)  Radio structure along horizontal axis, [FeII] flux distribution along dashed line  distinct origins for radio jet (accretion disk funnel) and emission-line outflows (accretion disk wind)  Flux distribution correlates with radio emission near zero velocity  jet launched ~ along plane of sky (~galaxy) and compresses gas on its way out

13 H 2 Channel maps Lower velocities, small blue to redshifts around minor axis  rotation  feeding ? (inflows in HI along bar - Mundell et al. 1999 ~ minor axis)

14 Further results for NGC 4151:  Ionized gas mass: 2 x 10 6 M sun  Mass of hot molecular gas: 240 solar masses; estimated total 10 6 larger: ~10 8 M sun; probably accumulated by observed inflow in HI along the bar: FEEDING  Mass outflow rate ~ 2 M sun yr -1 ~ 200 x the accretion rate  origin of the gas: circumnuclear ISM pushed by a nuclear outflow (disk wind): FEEDBACK  Kinetic power of outflow (only from wind, not radio): 3 x 10 -3 L bol  In 10 7 yrs, enough to push away from the inner ~500 pc, ~10 8 solar masses of gas (estimated reservoir of molecular gas)

15 NIFS Feeding an Feedback in Mrk1066 (Riffel et al. 2010, in preparation) Continuum and NIFS FOV Stellar velocity field Gas velocity field: H 2 disk: FEEDING

16 Mrk1066: channel maps (Riffel et al. 2010, in preparation) Relation with radio jet stronger in [FeII]: FEEDBACK Compact disk in H 2 : FEEDING

17 Radio galaxy Arp102B: Schnorr Müller et al, in preparation  EO host  HST: Hα nuclear spiral (inner 500 pc)  Nature of spiral: inflow as previous works? (Storchi- Bergmann et al. 2007, Riffel et al. 2008)  GMOS IFU

18 Hα channel maps Arp102B:  E arm: blueshift and zero velocity  Correlates with radio continuum (green)  outflow, not inflow!  W arm: redshift and zero velocity

19 Summary/Conclusions Outflows in nearby Seyfert galaxies:  Ionized gas observed not only along NLR outflows (feedback) but also in equatorial plane  escape of radiation through “torus”; presence of gas in the disk (feeding?);  Molecular gas predominantly in the plane: feeding;  Outflows frequently related to radio components, but there are also unrelated outflows (e.g. NGC4151)  accretion-disk winds (“radio mode + quasar mode”)  Centroid velocities map the brightest component: disk emission near nucleus and cone emission outwards  apparent acceleration  NEW: Channel maps do not support acceleration  Mass outflow rates: 10 -2 – 1 M sun yr -1 ~10-100 times the accretion rate  origin of the gas: circumnuclear ISM pushed away by radio jet or disk wind

20 Summary/Conclusions Comparison with LINERS (accreting in the ADAF mode), some of which central cluster galaxies, as above (Nemmen et al. 2010, in preparation):  L/L Edd = 10 -3 – 10 -2 for Sy, 10 -8 – 10 -4 for LINERs  lower luminosity AGN  (dM/dt) acc = 10 -4 -10 -2 M sun yr -1 for both Sy and LINERs  (dM/dt) jet /(dM/dt) acc = 10 -5 for Sy, 10 -3 for LINERs  more mass goes to jets  P jet /L bol = 10 -3 for Sy, ~ 5 for LINERs  powerful jets in LINERs (~ powerful radio-galaxies)

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