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Carbohydrates.  Bonds of Carbon (C) & Water (H20)  Functions: ◦ Provide energy (#1 form) ◦ Assists in digestion/metabolism/oxi dation of fat  Excess.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates.  Bonds of Carbon (C) & Water (H20)  Functions: ◦ Provide energy (#1 form) ◦ Assists in digestion/metabolism/oxi dation of fat  Excess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates

2  Bonds of Carbon (C) & Water (H20)  Functions: ◦ Provide energy (#1 form) ◦ Assists in digestion/metabolism/oxi dation of fat  Excess carbs are stored in liver or converted to fat for later use

3  Hypothesize with reasoning which of your samples is simple and which is complex – be ready to share.

4  Quick energy sources, but they do not usually supply any other nutrients or fiber  Ex: SUGARS - Glucose is the major kind of simple sugar. Glucose is the basic source of energy for all living things ◦ Glucose supplies the body with quick energy. ◦ Occurs naturally in some fruits and vegetables and is also produced in the body by breaking down other foods into glucose

5  Supply long term energy and other nutrients and fiber that the body needs.  Healthier choice ◦ Ex: STARCH - in the body breaks down into simple sugars. The body has to break down all sugar/starch into glucose to use it. Starch supplies the body with long, sustained energy.

6  Make a list as a class of other examples….

7  SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATE: ◦ Sugar - fruit, fruit juice, table sugar, honey, soft drinks, and other sweets  COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATE: ◦ Starch - bread, cereal, potatoes, pasta, rice, and legumes (dried peas and beans) ◦ Fiber - bran, whole-grain foods, raw vegetables and fruit (especially the seeds and skins), legumes, nuts, seeds and popcorn


9  Make up 60% of the food we consume daily  Usually from a PLANT origin as well as milk (lactose) FIVE types of simple sugars (simple carbohydrates) exist – can you hypothesize what they are?






15  Some sugars taste more or less sweet than each other.  If the sweetness of sucrose, is arbitrarily assigned a sweetness of 100%, then here’s how other common sugars compare: fructose: 173% sucrose: 100% glucose: 74% maltose: 33% lactose: 16%


17  Body breaks carbs down into simple sugars->bloodstream  As the sugar level rises in your body, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin  Insulin moves sugar from the blood into the cells -> energy!  Happens fast — as with simple— you're more likely to feel hungry again  Happens slow – complex – you will be satisfied longer

18  Simple - cause the blood sugar level to rise quickly  Eating foods that cause big jumps in blood sugar may be related to health problems like diabetes & heart disease  YOU SHOULD ◦ Limit simple carbohydrates (candy) ◦ Eat complex carbohydrates (vegetables, oatmeal, whole-grain wheat bread)

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