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The Rise of Islam Mr. Snell. Setting the Stage The cultures of the Arabian Peninsula were in constant contact with one another for centuries. The Middle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Islam Mr. Snell. Setting the Stage The cultures of the Arabian Peninsula were in constant contact with one another for centuries. The Middle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Islam Mr. Snell

2 Setting the Stage The cultures of the Arabian Peninsula were in constant contact with one another for centuries. The Middle East was a bridge between Africa, Asia, and Europe, where goods were traded and new ideas were shared. The Religion of Islam would be shared.

3 Deserts, Towns, & Trade Routes Arabian Peninsula – crossroads of 3 continents – Africa, Asia, Europe Bedouins – Arab nomads living in the desert. – Organized into tribes or clans – Security & Life support – Ideals: Courage & loyalty to family, Warrior Skills became part of Islamic way of life.

4 Crossroads By 600, people settled near Oases & Market Towns Trade ran from south Arabia to North Persia – Used Silk Roads from the east – Traded ideas, spices, incense. Mecca – Trade caravans stopped here during holy months. – Pilgrims came to worship at the Ka’aba – holy shrine. – Associated with Abraham, Hebrew prophet and believer of one god. – Belief in one God, known as Allah introduced. (monotheism) – 570 C.E. – Muhammad is born

5 The Ka’aba

6 Abraham’s Genealogy ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel Ishmael 12 Arabian Tribes

7 The Prophetic Tradition Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad

8 The Prophet Muhammad Orphaned at age six Raised by grandfather and uncle. Little schooling, joined caravan trade. Age 25 – Became a trader and business manager for Khadijah. Married Khadijah. Good marriage & good business partnership

9 The Origins of the Qur’an Qur’an – holy book of Muslims Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel in the Cave of Hira in 610. He was convinced this was Allah. Taught Allah was the only God. Muslim – “one who has submitted” Islam – “Submission to the will of Allah” First followers were wife and friends.

10 Migration - Hijrah 622 -Hijrah –Muhammed flees Mecca for Medina. – Followers were being attacked – The beginning of the Muslim calendar. – Begin to gain a lot of support 630 – Return to Mecca with 10k followers – Mecca surrenders – Muh. Destroys false idols Umma – Muslim religious community

11 Beliefs & Practices of Islam Main teaching – Allah is one and only God. Good and evil exist. Each individual is responsible for their own actions in life. Five Pillars of Islam – 5 duties required to follow in order to be a Muslim.

12 Hijab - headscarf Niqab - veil Clothing

13 And the Five Pillars of Islam are... Credited to Susan M. Pojer

14 1. The Shahada 1 1  The testimony of faith  The declaration of faith: There is no god worthy of worship except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger [or Prophet].

15 2. The Salat 2 2  The mandatory prayers performed 5 times a day facing Mecca: * dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed  Wash before praying.  Face Mecca and use a prayer rug.

16 2. The Salat 2 2  The call to prayer by the muezzin in the minaret.  Pray in the mosque on Friday.

17 3. The Zakat 3 3  Almsgiving (charitable donations).  Muslims believe that all things belong to God.  Zakat means both “purification” and “growth.”  About 2.5% of your income.

18 4. The Sawm 4 4  Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.  Considered a method of self- purification.  No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan.

19 5. The Hajj 5 5  The pilgrimage to Mecca.  Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.  2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.

20 5. The Hajj 5 5  Those who complete the pilgrimage can add the title hajji to their name.

21 The Mosque  The Muslim place of worship.

22 The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

23 Other Islamic Religious Practices  Up to four wives allowed at once.  No alcohol or pork.  No gambling.  Sunna – Muhammad’s example of living.  Sharia - body of Islamic law to regulate daily living.  Three holiest cities in Islam: * Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem.

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