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Why Do We Assume Things About Other Cultures?.  Because we have been taught to immediately think certain things when we see a “symbol” of something.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do We Assume Things About Other Cultures?.  Because we have been taught to immediately think certain things when we see a “symbol” of something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do We Assume Things About Other Cultures?

2  Because we have been taught to immediately think certain things when we see a “symbol” of something.  We develop a mental model through what we have lived, been taught and experienced.  It is normal to have a gut feeling about things that don’t fit our mental model. Why do we assume things about other cultures?

3  Most people misunderstand others simply due to things they have “heard” about them:  Example: Muslims won’t work on Friday as it is their holy day.  Most Muslims work Fridays and take time to pray at work. Some companies have prayer rooms but it does not require one. Praying takes no more than 5 minutes and can be done on a break. Cultural / Religious Differences

4 The 1 st Step to Understanding Diversity  Don’t assume because of things you have heard.  Take caution with negative media stories.  Choose to learn from reliable sources.  Have an open mind.

5 We are more similar than we think in most cases. We are more similar than we think in most cases. There should be no special rules to conform unless the workplace is willing to look at religious days or special circumstances. Regular protocol is fine. There should be no special rules to conform unless the workplace is willing to look at religious days or special circumstances. Regular protocol is fine. Most concerns / issues are simple to rectify with simple communication. Most concerns / issues are simple to rectify with simple communication. Religious / Cultural Differences

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