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FIRST: Start by opening the side flaps of the box, revealing her interior, where later will place each component.

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3 FIRST: Start by opening the side flaps of the box, revealing her interior, where later will place each component.

4 SECOND: The next step is unpacking the Motherboard, CPU, heatsink for the processor and RAM. We begin by opening the stand to place the processor carefully, we will remove the plastic protection and insert the Micro Processor usually all processors carry one or two notches indicating the placement position

5 THIRD: Once we perfectly placed our processor on the motherboard, we lose the lock that anchors the processor on the motherboard, preventing this move and making contact with all circuits. The processor being ready, we will apply on a little thermal paste.

6 FOURTH: placed 2 compatible RAM Memory modules with the plate. The following steps will install the motherboard and power supply in the box. Pay special attention to the placement of the plate, since depending on the format of this (Micro ATX, Mini ATX, ATX.

7 The power supply must also be screwed to the box as shown in the images and connected to the plate so that it can supply power. Connect easily, since this type of normal sources are very ready to assemble equipment and connectors fit only where to go.

8 FIFTH: Our team is already looking like a real computer. The next step is to connect your hard drive 1TB Dual Layer burner Asus, both with SATA connections. To connect to the disk recommend using always the first available SATA port. To connect to the power supply recommended (VERY IMPORTANT) connecting the drive to a separate branch, ie use the native SATA connector on the power supply for the record, this will make the energy you receive is as clean and stable as possible without influencing Zantac failure caused by bridging multiple connectors, fans... in our case being a single disc, it is the ideal case. To power the recorder will use a MOLEX to SATA converter, and he enchufaremos.

9 SIXTH: After connecting the processor, the memory, the hard drive, the source, the recorder, the fans... and having collected all cables so that everything is ordered, it only remains to connect the controls that bind the box and leds and switches to the motherboard, this will cause us to turn on the computer and view the status of your disks and system with lights.


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