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Multiple Intelligences. ● What is Intelligence? ● Traditional Definition – Intelligence is a cognitive capacity people are born with – It can be measured.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Intelligences. ● What is Intelligence? ● Traditional Definition – Intelligence is a cognitive capacity people are born with – It can be measured."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Intelligences

2 ● What is Intelligence? ● Traditional Definition – Intelligence is a cognitive capacity people are born with – It can be measured

3 ● What is Intelligence? ● Multiple intelligence definition – Ability to create an effective product or offer a service – Skills that make it possible to solve problems – Potential for finding or creating solutions for problems

4 Howard Gardner ● Began the Multiple Intelligences theory in 1983 ● According to Gardner – People possess all eight intelligences in different amounts – They have different intellectual compositions – These intelligences are in different areas of the brain – They can work independently or together

5 Linguistic ● To think in words and to use language to express and understand difficult ideas ● Sensitivity to the meaning of words as well as the order of words, their sounds, rhythms and inflections ● To think about the use of language in everyday life

6 ● Linguistic Activities ● 1) Choose an animal or object and give someone else clues to describe that animal or object until they guess what it is. ● 2) Write a paragraph about an inanimate object from the object’s perspective.

7 Logical - Mathematical ● To think of cause and effect and to understand relationships among actions, objects or ideas ● To be able to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and perform difficult mathematical or logical operations ● Inductive and deductive reasoning skills, as well as critical create problem solving

8 ● Logical Mathematical Activities ● Create a maze for a friend ● Create a secret code and write it down in a code key format. Write letters using your code key. Share your code key with someone else and see if they can decipher your message.

9 Musical ● To think in sounds, rhythms, melodies and rhymes ● To be sensitive to pitch, rhythm, timbre and tone ● To be able to recognize, create and reproduce music by using an instrument or the voice ● To listen actively

10 ● Musical Activities ● Create a song or a rhyme to help you remember something new ● Explore words that sound like what they mean (e.g. “boom”). Create new ones.

11 Body - Kinesthetic ● To think in movements and to use the body in skilled and complicated ways for expressive as well as every day activities ● Sense of timing and coordination

12 Interpersonal ● To think about and understand another person ● To have empathy and recognize differences among people and to appreciate their ideas with a sensitivity to their motives, moods and intentions ● Include interacting effectively with one or more people among family, friends or working relationships

13 Intrapersonal ● Works independently and pursues own interests ● Understand yourself and feelings ● Works best in quiet places

14 Spatial ● To think in pictures and to perceive the visual world accurately ● To be able to think in three dimensions and to transform one’s ideas and recreate parts of ideas in imagination ● To work with objects

15 Naturalist ● To understand the natural world including plants, animals and scientific studies ● To be able to recognize and classify individuals, species and ecological relationships ● To interact effectively with living creatures and discern patterns of life and natural forces

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