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A Voice and Nothing More Mladen Dolar MIT Press 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "A Voice and Nothing More Mladen Dolar MIT Press 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Voice and Nothing More Mladen Dolar MIT Press 2006

2 Linguistics of the Voice “in the beginning was Saussure” SignifiedSignifier Sign ‘tree’ /tri/ S/s … and then there was Derrida

3 S/s SignVoice S/s The sign (phonology) kills the voice, makes us forget the voice is there - thus we must look for where the voice resists the sign. To see how the voice connects the unending chain of signification, we must look for where it presents itself beyond the sign.

4 The Soil of Speech 3 Modes of Voice Recalcitrant to the Signifier IntonationTimbreAccent

5 IntonationTimbreAccent Material Support for Meaning

6 IntonationTimbreAccent Determinate of Meaning “That was a question”

7 IntonationTimbreAccent Individuality of the Subject

8 IntonationTimbreAccent Mechanically Reproduced Voice is Uncanny

9 Voice is a Short Circuit Between Nature & Culture Pre-signifying Voice (hiccups, laughing) Post-signifying Voice (scream, singing) Signifier Signified ‘tree’ /tri/

10 “singing blurs the word and makes it difficult to understand …” Expression ⇔ Meaning

11 Metaphysics of the Voice Distinguishing Self from Other Auto-Affective Voice (infant self) + Voice of An-Other (mother) The classical metaphysical problem of distinguishing self from other (Precedes Lacan’s Mirror Stage) =

12 Extending the Voice Beyond the Word Music & The Flute Plato & SocratesJethro Tull

13 Intersecting Presence & Absence

14 The “Physics” of the Voice or Why the Voice Needs a Body

15 Ventriloquism “The voice is the flesh of the soul” acousmatics of the voice interiority/exteriority we can never see the source of the voice the voice leaves while pointing back materiality (bodily voice) of the immaterial (soul)

16 Body Paradox of the Floating Voice Voice Language

17 Nipper & Authority of the Voice

18 Ethics of the Voice

19 Authority of the Voice LetterVoice Authority S/s MoralityLaw

20 Ambiguity of the Ethical Voice Body Voice Language SubjectOther

21 Politics of the Voice Body Voice Language Subject Other community Phone Logos Zoe Bios pure life soundmeaning

22 Political Performance viva voce Sacred Rituals

23 Political Performance viva voce Court Proceedings

24 Political Performance viva voce Legislature

25 Political Performance viva voce University

26 Political Performance viva voce Teacher

27 Political Performance viva voce Elections

28 Authoritarians viva voce Hitler - The Fürer

29 Authoritarians viva voce Stalin

30 Authoritarians viva voce big Other

31 Freud’s Voices


33 Kafka’s Voices

34 Intersection - Psychoanalysis ? FoodVoice

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