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Lab Safety seguridad en el laboratorio. Rules for the Laboratory NEVER work in the laboratory unless an adult/teacher is present Follow all directions.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Safety seguridad en el laboratorio. Rules for the Laboratory NEVER work in the laboratory unless an adult/teacher is present Follow all directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Safety seguridad en el laboratorio

2 Rules for the Laboratory NEVER work in the laboratory unless an adult/teacher is present Follow all directions you are given ONLY do activities that are approved by the adult in charge If you do not understand the directions or how to use a piece of equipment, ASK the TEACHER! NEVER fool around in the lab – NO horseplay, jokes or pranks are allowed normas en el laboratorio

3 Rules for the Laboratory ONLY use equipment in the way it is meant to be used Wear appropriate clothing – no flip flops, loose jewelry, or loose clothing Keep the Lab clean and free of clutter Learn how to properly use the lab equipment Learn what to do if someone else is hurt or if a piece of equipment is broken. normas en el laboratorio

4 Protective Clothing Can protect you from injury Types of Protective Clothing include: safety goggles, aprons, and gloves Leave all bulky clothing such as jackets, coats, and backpacks out of the lab. Long hair MUST be pulled back and out of the way. ropa de protección

5 Safety Goggles Protect your eyes as you work in the lab Protect your eyes from splashing chemicals, heat, or glassware that is being used. gafas de seguridad

6 Lab Coats & Aprons Protects your body and your clothing from chemicals Lab Coats – covers the front and back of your body, your arms, and upper part of your legs Lab Apron – covers only the front and sides of your body & the upper part of your legs batas y delantales

7 Gloves & Heat Resistant Gloves Gloves - Protects your hands from chemicals, germs, and harmful bacteria & molds. Heat Resistant Gloves – protect your hands when handling hot containers. guantes y guantes resistentes al calor

8 Keep your Work Area Clean Keep work area free of all items NOT needed for the lab. These items include: papers, books, backpacks, and clothing These items can get in the way while you are working or can fall onto the floor causing someone to trip and fall. mantener su área de trabajo limpia

9 NO Food or Drinks in the Lab NEVER eat, drink, taste, touch, or smell ANYTHING while in the science lab. Many of the chemicals used can be TOXIC or poisonous. DO NOT chew gum in the lab!! no hay comida o bebidas en el laboratorio

10 Washing your Hands Always wash your hands after being in the lab. Instructions for Hand-Washing: – Wet your hands with warm water, then apply soap. – Rub your hands together (be sure to rub the soap onto all parts of your hands) and continue to scrub for 20 seconds. – Rinse your hands with warm water – Use a fresh paper towel to dry your hands – Throw the paper towel into the trash. lavarse las manos

11 Emergency Safety Equipment There are several types of accidents that can take place in the Lab. You can stay SAFE by preventing accidents in the lab. el equipo de seguridad de emergencia

12 What to do? Water Spill – Mop up immediately Chemical Spill on Floor – Keep others away & ask adult what to do. Broken Glass – Ask adult if you can clean it up. Minor Heat Burn - Run cold water over burned skin for 5 min then apply ice or cold pack to the area. Fire at Work Station – TELL THE TEACHER in charge & GET AWAY!! Person on Fire – STOP, DROP & ROLL! qué hacer

13 Fire Extinguisher Used to put out chemical, electrical, gas, and grease fires. extintor de incendios

14 Fire Blanket Used to smother small fires on surfaces Used to wrap a person who is on fire. manta del fuego

15 Eye Wash Station Used to rinse eyes if a chemical gets into them. lavado de ojos

16 Shower Used if chemicals are spilled directly onto skin or if they seep through clothing. ducha

17 Chemicals Always check the label of the chemical When smelling a chemical: ONLY observe the odor, NEVER put your nose to the container. ALL chemical waste should be disposed of per the directions of the teacher!! productos químico s

18 Safety Lab Stations Grab a piece of paper and a pen!!

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