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My travelogue. A travelogue is a film, a piece of writing or a speech about one’s travel experiences. Nowadays you can find many travelogues on the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "My travelogue. A travelogue is a film, a piece of writing or a speech about one’s travel experiences. Nowadays you can find many travelogues on the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 My travelogue

2 A travelogue is a film, a piece of writing or a speech about one’s travel experiences. Nowadays you can find many travelogues on the Internet. Archeologists, sailors, adventures and even children travelling the world are sharing their impressions on the Internet.

3 Who’s writing the travelogue? A girl or a boy? How old is he/she? Where’s he/she from?

4 Treasure Hunter


6 travelled by bus by plane by car by train by boat/ ship on foot

7 How did the girl travel to London? How did she travel from London to Torquay? How is she going to get to Treasure Island?

8 travelled by bus by plane by car by train by boat on foot

9 Lesson 2

10 What was the quiz about? Who won the quiz? What are they going to do on the next day?

11 Первый глобус был создан немецким картографом Мартином Бехаймом в 1492 году. Он был вдохновлен открытием польского астронома Николая Коперника о том, что Земля круглая, а не плоская. Бехайм назвал свой глобус Earthapple (Яблоко Земли).


13 Compass rose in the North – на севере to the North of - к северу от North North-east East South-east South South-west West North-west

14 Points of the compass South are my shoes North is my hat East is this hand, And west is that.

15 Lesson 4

16 traveller – путешественник set off – отправляться discover – открывать explore – исследовать reach – достигать meet (met) – встречать (встретил)

17 An Italian traveller Marco Polo


19 An English pirate and explorer Sir Francis Drake


21 An English traveller James Cook


23 A Spanish traveller Christopher Columbus


25 Lesson 5

26 We met a famous traveller, Captain Brave. He gave us a map of a treasure island. The island was in the _________. We went by ____, then by ______ and then ____. We reached ____ and saw ____. So we ______. Then we saw ____. So we explored it. There was/were ______ in it. We _________. And then we found a treasure ______.

27 Running dictation Let’s open the box. It’s full of spiders. There’s a big beautiful shell there, too. Let’s listen to it. It casts a magic spell. The spiders turned into gold.

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