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Interpersonal Dynamics: An Introduction Dr. Martha Reavley The Odette School of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpersonal Dynamics: An Introduction Dr. Martha Reavley The Odette School of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpersonal Dynamics: An Introduction Dr. Martha Reavley The Odette School of Business

2 Introduction n The importance of the topic n Personal and Professional n A definition

3 Topics of Discussion n Indentification of Developmental Needs through Personal Assessments n Can the President of Microsoft be Helped?

4 Indentification of Developmental Needs n Know thyself - self assessment exercise p. 8 n Relate to ISDD

5 Some other Assessments n Handbook of Leadership Training Activities 2, 3, 4

6 Case n Review the case n What are Ballmer’s Interpersonal strengths and weaknesses? n Can Gate’s change him? n Should he get the job? Why? Under what conditions?

7 What do you want? n What are the ten most important things for you in a job? n You’re not alone: n 1.Challenging work n 2.Fair pay n 3.Decent supervisors n 4.Making own decisions n 5.Opportunity to advance n 6.Co-workers you can trust n 7.Good employee benefits n 8.Working in teams n 9.Job security n 10.Recognition for good performance

8 What This Means n Soft skills are critical n We must understand ourselves n We CAN change

9 Next Steps n Understanding individual differences n Personality

10 Interpersonal Dynamics: An Introduction Dr. Martha Reavley The Odette School of Business

11 Introduction n The importance of the topic n Personal and Professional n A definition

12 Topics of Discussion n Indentification of Developmental Needs through Personal Assessments n Can the President of Microsoft be Helped?

13 Indentification of Developmental Needs n Know thyself - self assessment exercise p. 8 n Relate to ISDD

14 Some other Assessments n Handbook of Leadership Training Activities 2, 3, 4

15 Case n Review the case n What are Ballmer’s Interpersonal strengths and weaknesses? n Can Gate’s change him? n Should he get the job? Why? Under what conditions?

16 What do you want? n What are the ten most important things for you in a job? n You’re not alone: n 1.Challenging work n 2.Fair pay n 3.Decent supervisors n 4.Making own decisions n 5.Opportunity to advance n 6.Co-workers you can trust n 7.Good employee benefits n 8.Working in teams n 9.Job security n 10.Recognition for good pewrformance

17 What This Means n Soft skills are critical n We must understand ourselves n We CAN change

18 Next Steps n Understanding individual differences n Personality

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