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Brainstorming/Sharing Session 1 HR Roundtable NSAA Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Brainstorming/Sharing Session 1 HR Roundtable NSAA Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brainstorming/Sharing Session 1 HR Roundtable NSAA Conference

2 2 Telework/Telecommuting Update  Policies developed?

3 3 Telework/Telecommuting Update  How do you monitor performance?

4 4 Telework/Telecommuting Update  Pros and Cons?

5 5 Leadership Training  How do you transform good audit technicians into good leaders?  How many offices provide some form of leadership training?

6 6 Leadership Training  Is the training provided in-house or with the use of outside consultants?

7 7 Leadership Training  What degree of emphasis is placed on it?

8 8 Leadership Training  Examples of effective soft-skills/ leadership training provided?

9 9 Recruiting/Retention Update  How have offices made working in their office interesting and desirable for college students rather than choice of last resort?  Innovative recruitment approaches?  Strategies?  Successes?

10 10 Recruiting/Retention Update  Is salary level (entry or other) currently an issue when recruiting for your office?  Is salary level an issue in retaining staff?

11 11 Recruiting/Retention Update  Strategies used to retain staff  What do audit staff value most about your office’s environment that keeps them there vs. private sector?

12 12 Recruiting/Retention Update  Strategies used to retain staff  Inexpensive approaches to improved retention (lightning round)

13 13 Recruiting/Retention Update  Strategies used to retain staff  How many offer flexible schedules or work arrangements?

14 14 Recruiting/Retention Update  Retention  How many of you have experienced a Millenials/Boomer Generation gap?  What approaches have you taken to bridge the gap?

15 15 Recruiting/Retention Update  Retirements  How many offices have experienced long-time employees retiring?  Avoiding “brain drain”  What are some effective strategies used for replacing retirees?

16 16 Recruiting/Retention Update  Retirements  What type of planning did you undergo and how far out did you start before the retirements of key people?  Is there anything you would you do differently if you could do it all over?

17 17 Performance Evaluations  If you take a pooling approach with your auditors and they work under multiple managers/supervisors on different audits:  How often are evaluations conducted?  Who performs the evaluations?

18 18 FSLA Guidelines  How are offices addressing the new guidelines?

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