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Differences between Unicellular and Multicellular.

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Presentation on theme: "Differences between Unicellular and Multicellular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differences between Unicellular and Multicellular

2 Unicellular Organisms Uni – means one (1) Examples: –Bacteria –Mold –Protozoa

3 Examples

4 Movement of Unicellular 3 ways of Movement Cillia –Tiny Hairs all over Flagella –One long hair Psuedopod –Reaching out then pulling

5 Benefits Cell does everything Can Live anywhere Needs very little to survive Reproduces asexually at a high rate Can survive in harsh conditions

6 Negatives If one cell dies then you are dead Can only do one thing at a time Is not specialized for any one purpose Can not grow greater than a certain size

7 Multicellular Multi – means many Cellular – means made of cells Examples –Humans –Cats –Dogs –Butterfly

8 Examples

9 Movement of Multicellular Flying Walking Turning of Leaves Etc…..

10 Benefits Can have specialized cells –Nerves, Muscle, Xylem, Phloem Can live if one dies Can grow to any size

11 Negatives Need a ton of Food, Shelter and Water Can only survive in certain conditions Must maintain specific internal conditions Spends ton of energy each day

12 Cells to Organism Cells will have a Specialized Job Tissues are a group of the same type of Cells –Ex. Skin Tissue, Muscle Tissue Organ are groups of different types of tissues working together –Ex. Heart, Lungs, Brain Organism is all the organs working together

13 Order Smallest to Largest –Cell  Tissue  Organ  Organism Largest to Smallest –Organism  Organ  Tissue  Cell KNOW BOTH WAYS!!!!!

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