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Published byEdwin Randall Modified over 8 years ago
Vocab Lesson 5
vita life vitamin, vitality, vital, revitalize, viable Latin demo people democracy, demography, undemocratic Greek stereo solid stereoscope, stereophonic, stereotype, stereopticon Greek ism doctrine Marxism, capitalism, Imagism, Cubism, pluralism Greek cogn know recognize, cognizant, incognito, precognition Latin sur over surplus, surpass, surcharge, surface, surmount Latin alter other alternator, alteration, alter ego, alternative, altercation Latin astr star astronomy, astrology, asteroid, asterisk, disaster, astrophysics Greek dyna power dynamic, dynamo, dynamite, dynasty Greek chron time chronometer, chronological, synchronize, chronic, anachronism Greek hyper over hyperactive, hyperventilate, hyperbole Greek luna moon lunar, lunatic, luna moth sublunar Latin octa eight octogenarian, octagon, octave, octopus, octahedron Greek
gyro turn gyrate, gyration, gyroscope, spirogyra Greek contra against contradict, contrary, contrast, contraband Latin geo earth geography, geothermal, geology, geophysics, geometry Greek helio sun Helios, heliotropes, heliocentric, heliograph Greek thermo heat thermostat, thermos, thermonuclear, thermometer Greek tetra four tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetracycline, tetragon, Greek meter measure thermometer, millimeter, odometer, hydrometer, Greek scope look telescope, microscope, periscope, radarscope, horoscope, electroscope Greek son sound sonar, unison, sonorous, sonnet, dissonance, resonant, supersonic Latin dec ten decade, decimal, decagon, decathlon, decimate Greek stell star stellar, interstellar, constellation, stelliform Latin amat love amorous, amiable, amigo, amateur, amity Latin
1. In the spring of 2215, the rebuilt New York was a revitalized city. 2.The theory of democracy was proven effective by the United States. 3.If there is a stereophonic sound, can there be stereo smell? 4.Is capitalism the opposite of Marxism? 5.The Magnum Leader was traveling incognito to avoid recognition. 6.The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted. 7.Our previously unchanged plans have suffered an alteration. 8.If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster. 9.Her dynamic personality made her an obvious choice for the powerful role. 10.Please synchronize your chronometers. 11.The hyperactive child began to hyperventilate. 12.Are lunatics really subject to lunar influences on their sanity? 13.The octarchy decided to invade Macedonia. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.
14. The dancers’ spinning gyrations continued into the night. 15.Their contradictory remarks offered a sharp contrast of views. 16.Which earth study do you prefer: geology, geography, or geophysics? 17.Galileo thought that the solar system was heliocentric, not earth-centered. 18.The thermotropic plants were killed by the cold front. 19.Is a square a tetragon or a tetrahedron? 20.The hydrometer measured the flow of the trout stream. 21.Alien warships appeared on the radarscope. 22.The senator’s sonorous voice was her best political weapon. 23.The Olympic decathlon winner was famous for a decade. 24.The interstellar spaceship launching was a stellar occasion. 25.The amateur astronomer was an amiable fellow who loved his hobby. Using the context clues from the sentence and your understanding of the root, define the underlined words in the following sentences.
1. Is a resonant voice one that doesn’t carry over a distance? 2.Is Roberts a surname? 3.Do most executives use chronometers? 4.Is Great Britain ruled by an octarchy? 5.Is a viable fetus able to survive? 6.Is an amiable person friendly and likable? 7.Is it a good thing to be cognizant of the laws? 8.Is a contrast an explanation of why two things are alike? 9.Does a decimated army have anyone left alive? 10.Will a thermotrophic organism grow in the direction of heat? Answer yes or no.
1. CUBISM : CAPITALISM ::4. PRECOGNITION : INCOGNITO :: a) geometry : moneya) forecast : weather b) art : economyb) cognizant : ignorant c) doctrine : structurec) foreknowledge : disguise d) theory : philosophyd) prediction : verification 2. HELIOCENTRIC : GEOCENTRIC ::5. CHRONIC : TRANSITORY :: a) circle : squarea) enduring : ephemeral b) solar : lunarb) subsonic : unison c) sun : centerc) octave : octopus d) sun : earthd) chronicle : transfix 3. PERIHELION : APHELION ::6. OCTAGON : OCTAHEDRON :: a) solar : lunara) plane : solid b) perigee : apogeeb) eight : octopus c) perimeter : circumferencec) octave : sound d) heliograph : telegraphd) antagonist : protagonist
8 vita lize 2. demo cracy 3. stereo phonic 4.nihil ism 5. cogn izant 6. sur mount 7. alter nator 8. astr ology 9. dyna mometer 10.syn chron ize 11. hyper bole 12. luna tic 13. octa rchy 14. spiro gyra 15. contra dict 16. geo graphy 17. helio centric 18. thermo nuclear 19. tetra meter 20.hydro meter 21.tele scope son ant 23. dec athlon 24.con stell ation 25. amat eur 26. hema tite put er pond erable 29. tele phone 30. pseudo nym 31. penta gram vid e 33.con viv ial 34. photo genic 35.amphi bio us 36.ante cede nt 37. anthropo logy 38.male dict ion cise 40. intra venous 41. pre monition 42. circum spect 43. tri chotomy 44. ante rior 45. equi vocate 46. syn thetic 47. dis sonant 48. mal ignant 49. post erity 50. extra ordinary 51.a morph ous 52. dorm itory 53. loco motive 54. ver ify 55. magn animous 56. corp oration 57. bene diction 58.con sangui nity 59. nov el 60.acu punct ure 61. amphi bious 62. eu phemism 63.ortho dox ject ion 65.xeno phobia 66. mega phone 67. pater nalism 68. ex culpate 69. proto type 70. pan theon 71. micro wave duct 73. spec ious 74. homo logous fer 76. neuro logy 77.reac tion 78. vest ry 79. omni farious 80.dicho tomy pend ing 82. mono tonous 83. re member 84. mis take 85.sui cide 86.olig archy 87. biblio phile 88. belli cose port 90. anti cline 91. un equivocal 92. bi ped 93. sub tract 94. non conformity 95. semi aquatic 96. sym phony 97. con fidence 98. inter stellar 99. super fluous 100. intro vert
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