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What is Jacksonian Democracy?  Jacksonian democracy is the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man symbolized by American politician.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Jacksonian Democracy?  Jacksonian democracy is the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man symbolized by American politician."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Jacksonian Democracy?  Jacksonian democracy is the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man symbolized by American politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters.

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4  Known as the “corrupt bargain”  Top Candidates: John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson  Because no clear majority- decision went to House of Representatives

5  Henry Clay (although out of the running) decided to back Adams  House of Representatives declare ADAMS the winner  Clay becomes Secretary of State  JACKSON IS FURIOUS!  Jackson begins to campaign for the next election immediately!

6  Jackson’s presidential campaigns caused an increase in public participation in politics: -Campaign rallies were first introduced -Mudslinging: Both sides accused the other of wrong doing and these accusations were turned into songs, buttons, and posters


8 -Voting rights were expanded in the early1800s, many working class men could now vote -Andrew Jackson wins the Presidential election in 1828-Jackson is seen as “The People’s President” -Was an orphan, had little formal education, fought in several duals, and was the hero of the War of 1812

9 1.Jackson sought to strengthen the executive branch and weaken Congress 2. Wanted UNIVERSAL MALE SUFFRAGE expanded voting rights to men without property too! 3. Spoils system: appointed people to government jobs based on party loyalty 4. favored Manifest Destiny 5. Believed in Nullification 6. Opposed National Bank

10 How did Jackson’s presidency lead to greater participation by the electorate?

11  Believed that the US was superior to other nations and people: -Most had the same religion (Protestant), language, and culture -Should expand (Manifest Destiny) to spread this belief

12  com/watch?v=PiVXJS XlptY com/watch?v=PiVXJS XlptY

13  Why was Jackson seen as the “People’s President”  What are some of the beliefs of Jacksonian Democracy?  What is nationalism? Did you get it?

14 Closing Activity What do you think? Do you think that Andrew Jackson was an American Hero or an Infamous Villain? Share your responses!

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