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EPAL KALAMARIAS. A BOUT E PAL K ALAMARIAS Our school, which is called EPAL of Kalamaria is situated in the east region of Thessaloniki, called Kalamaria.

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4 A BOUT E PAL K ALAMARIAS Our school, which is called EPAL of Kalamaria is situated in the east region of Thessaloniki, called Kalamaria. It is a Vocational Senior High School that specializes in technical subjects. The subjects are distinguished into general knowledge, theoretical vocational education, mixed subjects and subjects with two or more cognitive objects.

5 A BOUT E PAL K ALAMARIAS The number of the students is about 600 and the number of teachers is about 80. It offers training in many professional areas of knowledge and a choice of many specializations in the third year when the students graduate.

6 About 1 st grade In the 1st grade of all three (3) levels, twenty-five (25) hours of general knowledge subjects and nine (9) hours of vocational orientation subjects.

7 About 2 st grade In the second grade, seventeen (17) hours of general knowledge subjects and eighteen (18) hours of special knowledge subjects are taught. The weekly schedule covers a total of thirty five (35) teaching hours. Our pupils attend many lessons in different Laboratories, according to the specialization they have chosen.

8 About 2 st grade The Sections of Specialties we have in that grade are the following: 1. Mechanical 2. Engineering 3. Automotive Engineering 4. Electrological 5. Electronics 6. Computer Science (Informatics) 7. Economy and Administration 8. Health 9. Agriculture and Food

9 About 2 st grade The Matching of the Cycles from the first grade with the Sections from the second grade. Sections 1. Mechanical Engineering Technological Cycle 2. Automotive Engineering 3. Electrological 4. Electronics

10 About 2 st grade The Matching of the Cycles from the first grade with the Sections from the second grade. Sections 1. Computer Science (Informatics) Services Cycle 2.Economy and Administration 3. Health 4.Agriculture and Food

11 About 3 st grade In the third grade twelve (12) hours of general knowledge subjects and twenty-three (23) hours of special knowledge subjects are taught. The pupils choose a specialty from the section they have chosen in the previous grade. The weekly schedule covers a total of thirty five (35) teaching hours.

12 About 3 st grade The Specialties we have in that grade are the following: 1. Automotive engineering 2. Electrical Installations 3. Electronic Computer Systems and Networks 4. Electronic Communication Systems 5. Support Systems, Applications and Networks 6. Office Clerks and Financial Services 7. Early Childhood Assistants 8. Medical and Biological Laboratory Assistants 9. Nursery Assistants 10. Technology and Food Control

13 About 3 st grade The Matching of the Sections from the second grade with the Specialties from the third grade. Sections Specialties 1.Mechanical Engineering Automotive engineering 2. Electrological Electrical Installations 3. Electronics 1. Electronic CS and Networks 2. Electronic Communication Systems

14 About 3 st grade Section Specialties 4.Computer Science (Informatics) Support Systems, Applications and Networks 5.Economy and Administration Office Clerks and Financial Services 1. Early Childhood Assistants 6.Health 2. Medical and Laboratory Assistants 3. Nursery Assistants Agriculture and Food Technology and Food Control

15 About The Graduation When our students graduate, they acquire two diplomas: 1. The first is a certificate of their special Vocational knowledge and the Specialty they have attended. 2. The second one has the same value as that of the Senior High School and they have the same opportunities to enter the University after National Examinations.

16 Photos From Laboratories













29 Thank you for your attention

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