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Brett Neas EDU: Student Development in Higher Education Dr. David Hinton, Ph.D. August 17 th, 2015 Student Development Philosophy (Fictional: Evergreen.

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Presentation on theme: "Brett Neas EDU: Student Development in Higher Education Dr. David Hinton, Ph.D. August 17 th, 2015 Student Development Philosophy (Fictional: Evergreen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brett Neas EDU: Student Development in Higher Education Dr. David Hinton, Ph.D. August 17 th, 2015 Student Development Philosophy (Fictional: Evergreen University)

2 The history of Evergreen University. –The history of Evergreen University –Founded in 1994, initially as a junior college for environmental studies. –Introduction to departments and their relation to Student Affairs –Financial Services, Academics, Enrollment, etc. List the goals for Advisor 101: –To help advisors understand their roles and responsibilities as Student Advisors to Evergreen’s students. –To explain your expectations of the students, faculty, and advisors. –To welcome Student Advisors to the culture of Evergreen University. –To introduce Student Advisors to their Peer Mentors for the next two weeks. Advisor 101

3 Presentation Leader Introduction –Experience –Tenure with Evergreen University –What you like about working at Evergreen University. Peer Introduction –Prior occupations –Educational experience (if any) –School –What impact you’re looking to make as a Student Advisor to students of Evergreen University. Meet and Greet

4 Reference earlier introduction to departments and relation to Student Affairs. The leader will then post various departments on the board… –Each advisor will be passed out an individual role. –Advisors will then be asked to tape the role corresponding to the university department. Advisors and the leader will then recap each department, their role, and how it relates to the Student Affairs department. In-class Activity “Departments at Evergreen University”

5 “The announcement that an institution is accredited is an important and worthy statement that a college or university is meeting the challenges that society presents today, and students are supposed to be encouraged that the years of effort and money spent on their education will be of value” (Alstete, J., 2006) Evergreen University became accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSUC) in 2001. Share Evergreen Mission: –Evergreen University is dedicated to providing effective learning experiences, and continually relevant education services to improve the lives of students, families, communities, and the environment. Department Motto: –Our department “enables student affairs professionals to proactively identify and address student needs [to] create healthy college environments that encourage positive growth in students” (Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., Guido, F. M., Patton, L. D., & Renn, K. A., 2010). Accreditation, and why it Matters

6 Introduction to Evergreen University Catalog –Registration, Academic Calendar, Drop Policy, etc. Explain how the school addresses academic and behavioral problems. –Student Code of Conduct Outline the school's expectations of faculty members. –Faculty Expectations –Late Policies, etc. University Wide Information Location (Home Website) –School Cancellations –After-school Programs –Becoming an Evergreen Good Neighbor (Community Volunteer Program) –Emergency Evacuation Procedures –Parking and Transportation School Policies

7 Leader will introduce Peer Mentors as they walk in. Peers will introduce themselves and their… –Experience prior to Evergreen University –Tenure at Evergreen Unversity –Specific likes about working as a Student Advisor Student advisors will then introduce their Peer Mentors to the class. Send-off to Peer Mentorship in Student Advising… Peer Mentoring Introduction

8 Alstete, J. W. (2007). College accreditation. [electronic resource] : managing internal revitalization and public respect. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Evans, N. J., Forney, D. S., Guido, F. M., Patton, L. D., & Renn, K. A. (2010). Student development in college: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. References

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