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The Journey to the AP Spanish Language Exam

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1 The Journey to the AP Spanish Language Exam
ACTFL 2010 AP Spanish Spanish 4 Spanish 3 Spanish 2 Spanish 1 Elizabeth Sacco World Language Consultant Thank you so much for being here today to share with me some thoughts and ideas as to how we can better prepare our students, not only for the Ap Spanish Language exam, but to be more proficient in the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. I was an French and Spanish teacher for 31 years as well as a department chairperson. For 8 of those years I taught AP Spanish and this will be my 9th year as an AP reader. As a world language teacher, preparing students for the AP Spanish language exam was my biggest challenge. I loved teaching the course, exploring language and culture at an advanced level with my students, but it wasn’t easy. We had a 7-12 language program. We gave the NYS proficiency in grade 8, the regents exam in grade 10, level 4 in grade11 and the AP in grade 12. There should have been enough time for the students to be prepared for this exam, I eventually realized, that it wasn’t about time, it was about the journey. You see until the AP classe, students were never asked to listen and respond to audio and print material in a timed matter and later, with the changes in the AP exam never had to synthesize this material in an oral or written presentation. AP is a registered trademark of the College Board

2 Spanish Language Advanced Placement Course Objectives
Communicate in Spanish in interpersonal, presentational and interpretive mode Communicate with accuracy and fluency Understand Spanish intended for native speakers in a variety of settings, types of discourse, topics and registers Acquire information from authentic sources in Spanish Demonstrate awareness of cultural perspectives of Spanish-speaking peoples

3 THE AP TASK: Section II Free Response
Read ! Listen! Write! Part A-2: Formal Writing (Integrated Skills) Task: Formal writing, integration of listening, reading and writing, an example of the interpretive and presentational mode. Read 2 documents, listen to a related source/recording, and respond in writing to a written prompt. All are authentic sources.

4 THE AP TASK: Section II Free Response
Part B-2: Formal Oral Presentation (Integrated Skills) Task: Formal speaking, integration of reading, listening and speaking, an example of the interpretive and presentational mode. Read one document and listen to a recording and respond orally to a written prompt. All are authentic sources. *Source: AP Spanish Language : Workshop Materials Read! Listen! Speak!

5 One of the goals of the new AP World Language curriculum is to better organize and suggest learning sequences for Pre AP starting in levels 1,2,3. A page that should be studied by all teachers levels 1-4

6 “Developing and Integrating Skills at Different Levels”
JOSÉ DÍAZ AP Spanish Language Workshop Materials “Developing and Integrating Skills at Different Levels”

7 “ As I will show, teachers can incorporate many activities and steps at
any level that will prove to be very useful to students learning Spanish. The key is to make sure we do not use these skill-building activities solely in the AP course but that we begin incorporating them at level 1. By the time students enroll in the AP course, they will have acquired a wealth of techniques and skills that will prove extremely useful when dealing with more complex texts. Although the exam is at the end of the tunnel, what we do in class is what counts in developing the students’ proficiency, and that should be our main objective. To begin, you need to examine your curriculum, especially your textbooks and make decisions.”

8 Goals for this workshop:
1.Take a closer look at the skill-building activities that help students reach the benchmarks of the AP Spanish Language exam. 2. Learn how to create activities that parallel the AP Spanish free response section tasks for levels 1- 4 using textbook program materials

9 Skills needed to reach course benchmarks:
Using illustrations and graphic organizers Making predictions Writing organization Analyzing chronological order Activating prior knowledge Identifying author’s purpose Identifying main points, summarizing and making inferences Recognizing cultural elements Taking notes Formulating questions Synthesizing


11 Making Predictions

12 Identifying author’s purpose

13 Analyzing a written text-visualizing, comparing and contrasting

14 Writing organization

15 To add ones own words to what was already said
SYNTHESIS To blend ones own ideas with ideas found in other sources to create something new SUMMARY To add ones own words to what was already said This is a new evaluation- now of process and product-can use some words to express an idea from source but should not be word for word Many feel that this is an unfair and too difficult a test, I say it has given more meaning to authentic use of language. Think about how we use it- we read something about a topic, we hear others speak about the topic in conversation or in the news, and then we present our views based on what we have learned and our personal experiences.

16 So far! Identified the purpose Identified the skills
Identified the tasks On to creating the AP practice activities using ready-made materials!

17 How to create practice questions for the Formal Free Response Section of the Spanish AP Language Exam Select a topic, i.e. the family, the environment, leisure activities, the weather… Compile a list of all the audio and video sources in your program that correspond to the topic. Compile a list of all the readings in your program that correspond to the topic. İ Ojo! A video can be an audio or (with transcript) can be a reading exercise An audio(with transcript) can be a reading exercise A reading can be an audio exercise (with CD) A song can be an audio or a reading exercise (with lyrics) Write a level appropriate AP questions for the Formal Writing and Formal Oral Presentation tasks using related audio and text. So now that we know what the journey is, what skills we need our students to acquire along the journey, let’s create AP type practice activities . Whether it be for the written or oral formal task, this is what we need to begin

18 Practicing and Presenting Tasks
With the class Within a group With a partner Individually With visuals-posters, PowerPoint ..model the process and show the end product.

19 ¡Aventura Components! Reading – Textbook: Cultura viva, Lectura cultural, Lectura personal, Tú lees, Workbooks, EMC’s i-Culture web site, EMC’s Internet Resource Center Audio- Chapter dialogs and readings, Chapter listening activities, Supplemental chapter listening activities, Testing program, EMC’s i-Culture web site.



22 AP Formal Writing Task: Level 1
The following question is based on the information from the accompanying Sources 1 and 2. The sources include both print and audio material. First, you will have 10 minutes to read the print material. Afterward, you will then hear the audio material; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 9 minutes to plan your response and 20 minutes to write your essay. Your essay should be at least 50 words in length. ¿ Es más importante jugar a un deporte o jugar a videojuegos? ¿ Por qué? Source 1: Text , Tú lees, El mundo de los deportes, pp Source 2: Audio, Testing Program, Chapter 7, Listening Activity 5 CD 2 Track 10

23 ¿ Es más importante jugar a un deporte o jugar a videojuegos?
¿ Por qué?

24 AP Formal Writing Task Level 2
The following question is based on the information from the accompanying Sources 1 and 2. The sources include both print and audio material. First, you will have 9 minutes to read the print material. Afterward, you will hear the audio material; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 8 minutes to plan your response and 30 minutes to write your essay. Your essay should be at least 75 words in length. ¿ Cómo afecta el uso de los coches a la contaminación del aire? ¿ Es posible reducirla? Source 1: Text, Cultura Viva, Por un aire más puro, p 131 Source 2: Audio, i-Culture, i-News , , Con los coches menos contaminantes

25 ¿ Cómo afecta el uso de los coches
a la contaminación del aire? ¿ Es posible reducirla?

26 AP Formal Writing Task : Level 3
The following question is based on the accompanying Sources 1 and 2. The sources include both print and audio material. First, you will have 8 minutes to read the print material. Afterwards, you will hear the audio material; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 6 minutes minutes to plan your response and 35 minutes to write your essay. Your essay should be at least 100 words in length. ¿ Qué podemos hacer para que los jóvenes lean más? Source 1: Text, “Un Aula muy especial,” p 103 Source 2: Audio: Text, Lectura cultural, “Los jóvenes españoles y la lectura,” p 118

27 ¿ Qué podemos hacer para que los jóvenes
lean más?

28 AP Formal Writing Task: Level 4
The following question is based on the accompanying Sources 1-3. The sources include both print and audio material. First, you will have 7 minutes to read the printed material. Afterward, you will hear the audio material; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 5 minutes to plan your response and 40 minutes to write your essay. Your essay should be at least 200 words in length. . Explica porqué te interesaría o no matricularte en una universidad hispana. Source 1: Test booklet, “Enseñanza,” p 42 Source 2: Workbook, exercise 6, “El sistema educativo hispano,” pp Source 3: Audio: Text, Cultura viva, “El proceso de matricula,” p 106

29 AP Formal Speaking Task Level 1
The following question is based on the accompanying printed article and audio selection. First ,you will have 4 minutes to read the article. Afterward, you will hear the audio selection; you should take notes while you listen. You will have 3½ minutes to plan your answer and 45 seconds to record your answer. Describe tu casa ideal. Source 1: Text, La casa de mis sueños, p 262 Source 2: Audio, Text- La casa de Elisa, p 246, CD 12, Track 4

30 Describe tu casa ideal

31 AP Formal Speaking Task Level 2
The following question is based on the accompanying printed material and audio selection. First , you will have 3 minutes to read the printed article. Afterward, you will hear the audio selection; you should take notes while you listen. You will have 3 minutes to plan your answer and 60 seconds to record your answer. ¿ Piensas que la tecnología es buena o mala? ¿ Por qué? Source 1: Text p 5, Cultura viva, El mundo es un pañuelo Source 2: Audio, Text- p 4, Diálogo 1, ¡Ay, qué aburridos! CD 1, Track 3

32 ¿ Piensas que la tecnología es buena o mala? ¿ Por qué?

33 AP Formal Speaking Task: Level 3
The following question is based on the accompanying printed material and audio selection. First you will have 5 minutes to read the narrative. Afterward, you will hear the audio selection; you should take notes while you listen. You will have 2 ½ minutes to plan your answer and 90 seconds to record your answer. ¿ Por qué es importante que los jóvenes se mantengan en forma?    Source 1: Test booklet, Cómo mantenerse en forma, p 115 Source 2: Audio, Text, Cultura Viva, “Los juegos deportivos estudiantiles,” p 355

34 ¿ Por qué es importante que los jóvenes se mantengan en forma

35 AP Formal Speaking Task: Level 4
The following question is based on the accompanying printed material and audio selection. First you will have 5 minutes to read the narrative. Afterward, you will hear the audio selection; you should take notes while you listen. Then, you will have 2 minutes to plan your answer and 2 minutes to record your answer. Explica los beneficios de lo que se llama “la medicina alternativa.” Source 1: Text, “ La medicina alternativa,” p 249 Source 2: Audio, i-culture; “Medicina tradicional,”

36 PROGRAM COMPONENTS Student Edition with 8 thematically organized chapters divided into 2 lessons. Annotated Teacher’s Edition with audio CDs-more than 6 ½ hours of formatted AP listening and speaking practice. Workbook-student and teacher editions with 3 hours of audio on CDs and downloadable audio Exam view® Test Generator with 2 hours of audio on CDs and downloadable. Website (downloadable audio, additional speaking, listening and writing activities) First lesson a more generic content related to a topic of high interest to the student-second gives students the opportunity to more contemplative discussions, debates and essays.

37 Contains 14 exercises for each of the 10
sections of the AP Spanish Language Exam Includes 2 complete practice exams Features a variety of native voices Fun and interesting topics

38 The College Board World Languages Framework , 2004
Why ? The College Board World Languages Framework , 2004

39 If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job.  ~Donald Quinn

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