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Isla Fernandina Population 0! The Galapagos Penguin is a Penguin that can only be found in the Galapagos islands and also the only Penguin that lives.

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2 Isla Fernandina Population 0! The Galapagos Penguin is a Penguin that can only be found in the Galapagos islands and also the only Penguin that lives and breeds on the equator. Click here to go back

3 Isla Genovesa Blue footed boobie birds are just one of the birds that belong to a family of seabirds that also include the likes of the red footed boobie bird. Click here to go back

4 Isla Pinta Isla Pinta was the original home of George,the most famous tortoise in the entire Galapagos islands, George was the last Chelonoidis Nigra Abingdonii left in the world. Click here to go back

5 Isla san Cristobal The Marine Iguana is an Iguana found only in the Galapagos islands. It can leap over 9m into the water to catch its prey and breeds in January. Click here to go back

6 Isla Santa Maria Galapagos crabs come in many different colours. They can be black or dark brown when young, which is useful for camouflaging from predators, on the black lava coasts of the Galapagos Islands. Adult crabs are bright orange some with pink or yellow spots. They can grow up to 20 cm. Click here to go back

7 Isla Espanola The two species that live in the Galapagos Islands are the Bottle Nosed Dolphin and the Common Dolphin. There are three other species that can also be spotted in the Galapagos Islands when migrating. The life span of dolphins in the Galapagos Islands is around 25 years but some Bottlenose dolphins may live up to 50 years old. They usually feed on fish, squid and shrimps. Click here to go back

8 Isla Marchena The red-lipped batfish or Galapagos batfish is a unusual fish found around the Galapagos Islands 30m or more under the water. Red-lipped batfish are closely related to rosy-lipped batfish which are found near Cocos Island off the coast of Costa Rica. This fish is mainly known for its bright red lips. Click here to go back

9 Isla Isabela The Galapagos shark is a species of shark in the family Carcharhinidae, found worldwide. This species lives in clear reef environments around oceanic islands. A large species that often reaches 3.0 m (9.8 ft), the Galapagos reef shark has a typical reef shark shape and is very difficult to identify from the dusky shark and the grey reef shark. An identifying character of this species is its tall first dorsal fin which has a slightly rounded tip. Click here to go back

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