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 A hypothetical trace of evolution ◦ One original common ancestor  Scientists use both morphology and genetics to produce phylogenic trees ◦ Morphology-

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2  A hypothetical trace of evolution ◦ One original common ancestor  Scientists use both morphology and genetics to produce phylogenic trees ◦ Morphology- share similar physical characteristics ◦ Analysis of genetic similarity


4  the study of the body structures in different organisms ◦ anatomical similarities gives evidence of a common ancestor Human Dog Seal

5  Structures that are similar but has different functions ◦ Shows common ancestry

6  Acquiring the same biological trait independently  Example: Flight  Humming bird and moth - last common ancestor did not have wings  They acquired these traits separately ◦ Only very few designs for a wing would allow for hovering

7  Similar functions but differ in structure ◦ Ex: wings of a hummingbird and humming moth – both can hover to feed


9  Two or more related populations or species become more and more dissimilar.  Divergence is nearly always a response to differing habitats and can result in new species

10 ◦ Many related species evolve from a single ancestral species ex: Galapagos finches

11  Features that were useful to an ancestor, but they are not useful to the modern organism that has th. ◦ tailbone in humans ◦ Appendix ◦ Some snakes have tiny pelvic bones and limb bones


13  Closely related organisms often have similar stages in their embryonic development ◦ All vertebrate embryos are similar ◦ Vertebrates share a common ancestor lemurpig human


15  All organisms share related biochemical processes: ◦ All cells use DNA as genetic blueprint ◦ All use RNA, ribosomes, and approximately the same genetic code for translation ◦ All use roughly the same set of 20 amino acids to build proteins ◦ All use ATP to transfer energy

16  the DNA nucleotide sequence of the human and mouse cytochrome c gene is very similar, suggesting shared ancestry

17  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




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