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When is Moon Festival? It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month in the lunar calendar. It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month.

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Presentation on theme: "When is Moon Festival? It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month in the lunar calendar. It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month."— Presentation transcript:


2 When is Moon Festival? It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month in the lunar calendar. It is on the 15th full moon night of the 8 th month in the lunar calendar.

3 Why do people celebrate Moon Festival? It is the celebration for the 1st harvest in autumn. It is the celebration for the 1st harvest in autumn. People worship the god to show their thanksgiving. People worship the god to show their thanksgiving.

4 What are the legendary stories on Moon Festival? Chang Er floated to the moon. Chang Er floated to the moon. Jade the Rabbit was sent to the moon. Jade the Rabbit was sent to the moon. Wu Kang was banished to the moon. Wu Kang was banished to the moon. Chu Yuan-chang planned the revolution on Moon Festival. Chu Yuan-chang planned the revolution on Moon Festival.

5 The Legend of Hou-yi & Chang Er

6 Hou Yi shot down nine suns The time of this story is around 2170 B.C. The earth once had ten suns circling over it; each took its turn to illuminate to the earth.

7 One day, all ten suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer Hou Yi.

8 He succeeded in shooting down nine of the suns. One day, Hou Yi stole the elixir of life from a goddess. However, his beautiful wife Chang Er drank the elixir of life in order to save the people from her husband’s tyrannical rule.

9 Chang O swallowed the potion After drinking it, she found herself floating and flew to the moon. Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much that he didn’t shoot down the moon.

10 Chang O Flees to the Moon Since it is believed that Chang O floated to the moon on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, people offer annual prayer and sacrifices to the moon on that day to commemorate the event.

11 The Legend of the Jade the Rabbit

12 Jade The Rabbit Grinds Medicine In this legend, three sages transformed themselves into pitiful old men and begged for something to eat from a fox, a monkey and a rabbit.

13 The fox and the monkey both had food to give to the old men, but the rabbit, empty- handed, offered his own flesh instead, jumping into a blazing fire to cook himself.

14 The fairies were so touched by the rabbit's sacrifice that they let him live in the Moon Palace where he became the "Jade Rabbit."

15 The Legend of Wu Kang

16 Wu Kang Chops Down the Cassia Tree If you look carefully at the dark shadows on the full moon, you may be able to see Wu Kang chopping down a cassia tree.

17 Wu Kang was a shiftless fellow who changed apprenticeships all the time. One day he decided that he wanted to be immortal.

18 Wu Kang then went to live in the mountains where he importuned an immortal to teach him. Wu Kang then went to live in the mountains where he importuned an immortal to teach him. First the immortal taught him about herbs used to cured sickness, but after three days his characteristic restlessness returned and he asked the immortal to teach him something else. First the immortal taught him about herbs used to cured sickness, but after three days his characteristic restlessness returned and he asked the immortal to teach him something else.

19 So the immortal taught him chess, but after a short while Wu Kang’s enthusiasm again waned. Then, Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study.

20 Of course, Wu Kang became bored within a few days, and asked if they could ravel to some new and exciting places. Of course, Wu Kang became bored within a few days, and asked if they could ravel to some new and exciting places. Angered with Wu Kang’s impatience, the master banished Wu Kang to the Moon Palace telling him that he must cut down a huge cassia tree before he could return to earth. Angered with Wu Kang’s impatience, the master banished Wu Kang to the Moon Palace telling him that he must cut down a huge cassia tree before he could return to earth.

21 Though Wu Kang chopped day and night, the magical tree restored itself with each blow, and thus he is up there chopping still. Though Wu Kang chopped day and night, the magical tree restored itself with each blow, and thus he is up there chopping still.

22 The Legend of Chu Yuan Chang

23 The Legend of Eating Mooncakes Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an important part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung. According to popular belief, the custom of eating mooncakes began in the late Yuan dynasty.

24 During the Yuan dynasty, China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without it being discovered.

25 The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon cake was a message with the outline of the attack.

26 On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government. What followed was the establishment of the Ming dynasty. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend.

27 What activities do people do on Moon Festival?

28 Why do people eat pomelo on Moon Festival?

29 Pomelo Fruit In Chinese the word for pomelo is homophonous with that for blessing," and thus the fruit is considered auspicious. Since pomelo season coincides with Mid-Autumn Festival, this sweet fruit has naturally become a part of the festivities.

30 The most famous type of pomelo grown in Formosa is Matou wen- tan, which is cultivated in the rich soil and pure mountain air of Matou. This prized fruit, distinguished by its pointed top, round bottom, and thin skin, has a honey-sweet taste that has made it famous both in Taiwan and abroad.

31 Over the past few years, other parts of Taiwan have been developing pomelo hybrids, continually improving their taste and quality, and insuring that the pomelo fruit will continue to grow in popularity.

32 People offer sacrifices to worship the god

33 The Earth God Formally called Fu-teh Cheng-shen (the deity of fortune, morals, and righteous deity), the Earth God was originally known as She-shen (village deity), since he watches over matters concerning farming and society.

34 Of all the gods, he is perhaps the most intimately connected with the daily lives of the people in Taiwan. The countless temples and shrines dedicated to the Earth God around the island show the degree to which the people rely on his protective power.

35 People celebrated Moon Festival in 1938

36 People celebrate Moon Festival in Taipei

37 People celebrate Moon Festival in Kaohsiung

38 People admire the moon, watch the moon, go BBQ, & set off firecrackers

39 People celebrate Moon Festival in Hong Kong

40 People celebrate Moon Festival in Singapore & Beijin


42 Once in a blue moon —very rarely; almost never I’ve almost forgot what Ken looks like. I see him once in a blue moon. I’ve almost forgot what Ken looks like. I see him once in a blue moon. 非常罕見 非常罕見

43 Over the moon —very happy He is a father the first time. And he is over the moon about it. He is a father the first time. And he is over the moon about it. 遙不可及 遙不可及

44 Man in the moon —the person in the fairy story; the person being ignorant of worldly affairs I know as much about this as the man in the moon. I know as much about this as the man in the moon. 假想的人 假想的人

45 Moon around —wander around and do nothing in particular He was fired two months ago. Therefore, he has mooned around for a long time. He was fired two months ago. Therefore, he has mooned around for a long time. 閒蕩 閒蕩

46 Moon over sb. —pursuit sb. without any practical action He has mooned over the girl for a long time, but he has never had any action yet. He has mooned over the girl for a long time, but he has never had any action yet. 遐想 遐想

47 Cry for the moon —try for the impossible John asked his mother for ten thousand dollars today. He’s always crying for the moon. John asked his mother for ten thousand dollars today. He’s always crying for the moon. 追求得不到的東西 追求得不到的東西

48 Promise sb. the moon —promise sth. impossible She met a boy on holiday who promised her the moon and made her believe she was the most beautiful girl in the world. She met a boy on holiday who promised her the moon and made her believe she was the most beautiful girl in the world. 信口開河 信口開河

49 Moon River—Breakfast at Tiffany Moon River—Andy Williams Moon River—Andy Williams


51 The movie is about Holly Golightly, a young woman always on the run from herself. The movie is about Holly Golightly, a young woman always on the run from herself. Lacking a stable childhood, she marries at the age of fourteen, has the marriage invalid, moves to Hollywood to start a film career, leaves Hollywood for New York, and plans to leave New York for Brazil to marry one of the world's richest men. Lacking a stable childhood, she marries at the age of fourteen, has the marriage invalid, moves to Hollywood to start a film career, leaves Hollywood for New York, and plans to leave New York for Brazil to marry one of the world's richest men.

52 The main plot of the movie is Holly's relationship with neighbor Paul Varjak, who has confidence problems of his own. The main plot of the movie is Holly's relationship with neighbor Paul Varjak, who has confidence problems of his own. The story explores the relationship between Holly and Paul, Holly and her other paramours, and the resolution that occurs within Holly's own mind and between Holly and Paul. The story explores the relationship between Holly and Paul, Holly and her other paramours, and the resolution that occurs within Holly's own mind and between Holly and Paul.

53 The film includes Audrey Hepburn singing the original performance of "Moon River" and the famous closing sequence that shows Paul's "lecture" to Holly and Holly's self-discovery of who she really is and who makes her truly happy. The film includes Audrey Hepburn singing the original performance of "Moon River" and the famous closing sequence that shows Paul's "lecture" to Holly and Holly's self-discovery of who she really is and who makes her truly happy. The film ends with a famous scene in the rain. The film ends with a famous scene in the rain.

54 Moon River was written by Johnny Mercer for the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany.” Moon River was written by Johnny Mercer for the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany.” It is said that his love for his Savannah Home in Georgia on the “Back River” was an inspiration. It is said that his love for his Savannah Home in Georgia on the “Back River” was an inspiration. Johnny and his friends would enjoy spending time in the early summers picking wild huckleberries(Blueberries). Johnny and his friends would enjoy spending time in the early summers picking wild huckleberries(Blueberries).

55 They would place these in pairs and bring them home to enjoy. They even turned up in ice- cream. This is where my huckleberry friend came from, just Johnny as a little boy, with his friends enjoying themselves in their private activities.

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