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Why Do We Need to Change ?  It limits our ability to reduce insurance rates (NFIP).  Places local contractors and Real Estate agents at a disadvantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Do We Need to Change ?  It limits our ability to reduce insurance rates (NFIP).  Places local contractors and Real Estate agents at a disadvantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Do We Need to Change ?  It limits our ability to reduce insurance rates (NFIP).  Places local contractors and Real Estate agents at a disadvantage in the marketplace.  Makes the homes less marketable.  Creates unpleasant architectural features.  Its confusing to all stakeholder.(Contractors, Real Estate, Engineers, Etc)  Doesn’t allow flexibility in home design.  Forces HVAC equipment to be located in unfavorable locations.  Limits Structural Design.  Creates cost plus when locating equipment such as Elevator Electrics.  Not fairly written.  Limits Construction Materials. i.e. creating stick built areas to compensate for low pitch and non architectural features. Adding cost to construction.  Does not have mandatory freeboard built in so as to provide enough points under current rules to maintain the now subsidized rates.


3 Staff Recommendations Is To Establish a Free Board, and New Measuring Point.  Makes it simpler for Stakeholders.  Create flexibility In architectural design  Creates a freeboard so property owners can tap into a cheaper market, (Flood insurance). Stops an Increase !!  Increases the number of available points for reduction in CRS Rating (Lowers rates for everyone)  Makes structures more market friendly.  Increases the value of structure, by allowing more buildable space in dwellings.  Increases ad valorum tax base, ( HELPS PROPERTY OWNERS UTILIZE FULL EXTENT OF PROPERTY) helps keeps taxes lower.

4 Proposed Amendments  Change Name of Ground Level To: HMP which is defined as Design Flood Elevation, Or Base Flood Elevation + 2feet  (1)Wherever there is less than nine feet between the DFE and finished grade the height measuring point may be moved to a maximum of nine feet above finished grade.  (A). All structures located in any A or V zone must have a minimum clearance of 8 feet between the lowest horizontal structural member and grade.  (B)There shall be no horizontal structural members bellow the DFE in any A or V zones.  (2) FEMA flood area "X": measuring point to be the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced.  BUILDING HEIGHT. The vertical distance measured from DFE to the highest point of the structure.  Building Height. 157.060, 157.061, 157.058,157.062 - No building shall exceed a maximum height of 31 feet measured from DFE, BFE is that which is established by FEMA on The Firm Maps, DFE is that which is established by NFIP ordinance.


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