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Historical Fiction: Quality Markers Presentation for Children’s Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Fiction: Quality Markers Presentation for Children’s Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Fiction: Quality Markers Presentation for Children’s Literature

2 Characterization )Main Character-fictional, but in a historically authentic setting )Historical figure-when included-a minor character )George Washington stops at Ann Hamilton’s house for dinner in this story )At last, Ann’s hope is realized when they set table with the good china dishes!

3 Characterization )Actions, speech, and values need to be consistent with the time period )Believable-faults as well as strengths )Speech-may reflect dialect of time & place

4 Plot )Events, conflicts, problem resolutions should reflect time period

5 Setting )Integral to Story )Especially important for child reader )Can’t draw on any memory of the time period )Some details, with vivid description )Can’t overpower plot and characterization )May Contribute in… )Developing Conflict: As antagonist )Developing Conflict: When contrasted with another very different setting )Creating mood: Excitement of time period

6 Ways Authors Achieve Authenticity in Setting First Way: Stories are set in earlier period of author’s life )Can draw on personal memories )Little House series

7 Ways Authors Achieve Authenticity in Setting Second Way: Stories are set in period recalled by relatives/friends )Draws on their memories )Caddie Woodlawn, by Carol Ryrie Brink (also, Our Only May Amelia, by Jennifer Holm)

8 Ways Authors Achieve Authenticity in Setting Third Way: Stories are set in more historically remote time periods: No access to persons with first-hand knowledge )Example: books by Karen Cushman and Clyde Bulla, set in time period of the medieval ages )The Sword in the Stone (Bulla) & The Midwife’s Apprentice (Cushman) )How do authors develop their knowledge of a historically remote period?

9 Theme and Style )Theme )Worthwhile )Still relevant for modern times )Style )Influences story’s mood )Figurative language to develop: ) characters )conflict )setting )theme

10 Evaluating “Pink and Say” )Is the characterization in this story well done? What makes you think so? )What is a theme of this story? Is it worthwhile? Can a child relate to it? )What do you notice about the style of language that Polacco uses to tell this story? )Does the setting of this story seem authentic? What makes it so? )How does the setting contribute to the plot, characterization, and theme?

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