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Welcome to 3 rd Grade Mrs. Dustin Room 14 2016 - 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3 rd Grade Mrs. Dustin Room 14 2016 - 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3 rd Grade Mrs. Dustin Room 14 2016 - 2017

2 3 rd Grade Essential Skills : *Fluency: Read a minimum of 100 words per minute *Writing: Write consistent paragraphs that include a topic sentence, detail sentences, and a conclusion. The end-of-year test will include persuasive and informational (ex. Compare-Contrast) essays. *Multiplication: Quick fact recall to x10 and pass off 20 facts in one minute. *Keyboarding: Type 15 words per minute Our reading program uses McGraw Hill. Extra practice opportunities can be found at Students username and password are the same as at school, just put dsd in front of each.

3 Classroom Management..... We will be working on being a cooperative part of a community in school and in class. Positive re-enforcement will be the focus through earning team/class points and individual rewards (class money). Students will self-monitor behavior on a behavior tracker in their class binder. Parents please initial weekly. Students will earn class money for homework, behavior tracker signed, and good behavior. An auction using class money will be held the end of each term. Students should bring items to auction at that time. Auction items can be gently used, homemade, or from Dollar Store.

4 BIRTHDAYS You may send a treat if you wish, but it is not expected. Health Department guidelines mandate that any treat has to be store-bought and in its original wrapping. Due to allergies, non-food items (pencils, stickers, erasers, book donation to the class) are preferable. Summer birthdays will be celebrated along with the school’s Birthday Table day, unless the birthday is within the first week of June, or the last weeks of August.

5 HOMEWORK/ Assessments  A weekly HOMEWORK PACKET with a newsletter is given on Fridays with the week’s spelling words, vocabulary, math practice, and spelling practice ideas. The homework packet is due back the NEXT THURSDAY.  A READING Minutes LOG and Reading Genre Tracker will be kept in the student’s class binder separately. The student’s reading minutes and genres should be filled in and initialed by a parent/guardian. Please note reading minute checkpoint due dates on tracker.  A minimum of at least one BOOK REPONSE is due monthly- by the LAST MONDAY of the MONTH (December=3 rd Monday).  Reading and Vocabulary assessments are every THURSDAY, and Spelling and Math tests will be on FRIDAYS.

6 CURRICULUM CONTINUED... All 3 rd grade students will be focusing on the writing process. Your child will be doing writing in language arts, math, science, social studies, etc. They also will need to be able to process that writing on the keyboard. Any practice you can do at home with keyboarding will be beneficial to your child. In general, please leave toys and excessive jewelry at home because they can be distracting in the classroom.

7 Thirty in Third Challenge Students in our class will be challenged to read 30 books from 7 different genres. (see tracker for genres) Three challenge levels will be recognized: Gold Medal, Silver Medal, and Bronze Medal. Each level will be recognized at the end of the year. Students are required to fill out a BOOK RESPONSE for each book they read, fill in a tracker, and get it initialed by a parent for credit. BOOK RESPONSES can be found at school in the back of the room.

8 Thirty in Third Challenge Level goals: Gold Medal: 30 Books -3 books in each genre and 9 books of student’s choice. (3-4 books a month*) Silver Medal: 20 Books -2 books in each genre and 6 books of student’s choice. (2-3 books a month*) Bronze Medal: 10 Books -1 book in each genre and 3 books of student’s choice. (1-2 books a month*) *“Harry Potter” length books will count as 3 books. Remember to keep track of books/genres read on the tracker and a parent must initial for credit.

9 Thirty in Third Student Tracker

10 Poetry Book Response

11 Fiction/Fantasy/Mystery/ Historical Fiction Book Response

12 Auto/Biography and Informational Book Response

13 VOLUNTEERS Our class loves volunteers – whether it’s once a week or occasionally. Room parent (spearheads groups for class parties, helps w/PTA)  Halloween  Winter celebration  Valentine’s Day  Clerical help: at school or home  Math Fact Tutors/ Literature Groups – Monday/Tuesday : 2:20-3:05p.m.  Health or Music Lessons: 30 - 40 minute lesson, 1x a month TBA  Fun Fridays: 12:40 – 1:15, share a fun or educational activity  Class Auction helpers- Last Friday end of each term, 12:40 – 1:15 p.m.  Field trip volunteers will be asked for on permission slips

14 Ways YOU can help your child this year: Please make sure your child attends school on time each day. Look in your child’s backpack daily. Encourage your child to talk about school. Help your child with the homework packet each day for 10 minutes. Read with your child 20 minutes each day. -Reading aloud some portion of this will really help fluency. Please plan to spend an additional 5-10 minutes each night on basic multiplication-fact fluency as needed.

15 DONATIONS The following items are ALWAYS welcome as donations to the class: **glue sticks** **pencils** **thin dry erase markers in black** **wide dry erase markers in any color** Tissues Lysol / Clorox wipes Ziploc bags of any size Hand Sanitizer Send Dollar Store items for our Auction at the end of each term

16 MYDSD Pay lunch fees Pay Fun Fee donation ($30 covers T-Shirt, and all field trips), or make separate donations for t-shirt ($7), or field trip donations ($5) Apply for Free/Reduced Lunch View Desk (Davis Essential Skills and Knowledge) Schedule SEP Conferences Take Surveys

17 Thanks for coming and supporting your child’s education. To contact me: Call office- I’ll return call Email: Write note in communication section of class binder Schedule a time to meet before or after school

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