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EU Update/CIS England WFD Stakeholder Forum 4 April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Update/CIS England WFD Stakeholder Forum 4 April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Update/CIS England WFD Stakeholder Forum 4 April 2008

2 Objectives and Exemptions Exemptions Drafting Group Guidance Workshop and case studies

3 Climate Change & Water SSG Meeting January 2008 Approach to first cycle of RBMPs Guidance for second/third cycle RBMPs White Paper on Adaptation

4 Hydromorphology WFD/Hydromorphology Workshop Links between River Basin Management Programmes (RBMPs) and FRM activities FRM-based Measures for RBMPs Designation of artificial and heavily modified water bodies (AWB/HMWB) Article 4(7) exemptions for new modifications

5 Hydromorphology cont’ A few of the key findings from the workshop were; Communication and transparency throughout the process of implementation is essential There needs to be greater consideration regarding the integration of coastal issues into RBMPs Inclusion of FRM planning activity into the first round of RBMPs is definitely possible, but there is a need to be realistic about the level of genuine coordination between WFD and FRM, with the climate change proofing of the first RBMP providing an opportunity for this. Consideration of floods in the RBMP was considered important to establish the reasons for flood related morphological change and to have a holistic view of measures needed. Emphasis was placed on the need to define ambitious GEP

6 Intercalibration Meeting of Article 21 Committee – Member States agreed the text on the Decision and the Annex on 11 March 2008. UK was very happy with the final agreed versions of the Decision and Annex. Vote is likely in May, and will come into force following EP scrutiny end 2008. Highly unlikely there will be any changes.

7 Policy Integration WFD/Agriculture Next Meeting 30 April MS Catalogue of Measures Groundwater and Land Use Project Continuation of Pilot River Basin Project UK to host first event in May

8 Daughter Directives on Groundwater and Priority Substances (WFD Art 17 and 16) Groundwater: New Directive adopted Dec 06 Consultation on transposition expected April 08 Existing GW Directive (80/68) remains in force until 2013 Priority Substances: Council Common Position adopted in December 2007. European Parliament 2nd Reading commenced 25 March and expected to be completed June 2008 Second Reading agreement is a possibility, failing which Conciliation in the Autumn.

9 Other Issues Marine Strategy Directive: will be shortly adopted at the Council. MSD requires that: good Environmental Status needs to be achieved by 2020; Each Member State will draw up a programme of cost-effective measures. Impact assessments, including detailed cost-benefit analysis of the measures proposed, will be required prior to the introduction of any new measure. the initial assessment of the state of the marine environment will need to have taken place by 2012 and determination of good environmental status and associated targets to achieve this also need to be in place by 2012. A monitoring programme is to be in place by 2014 and programmes of measures by 2016. In coastal waters where ‘geographic’ overlap with the WFD may occur, the MSD will have not functional overlap with requirements already covered by the WFD. Floods Directive: Adopted on 18/9/2007, following agreement with the European Parliament in April. Requires MS to: first carry out a preliminary assessment by 2011 to identify the river basins and associated coastal areas at risk of flooding. for such zones then need to draw up flood risk maps by 2013 and establish flood risk management plans focused on prevention, protection and preparedness by 2015. Transposition – has to be completed by November 2009. Likely consultation on draft regulations due in the Autumn.

10 Future activity/workshops Netherlands hosting a workshop on diffuse pollution 28-29 May to share experiences. Commission will organise a meeting to discuss Article 14 – River Basin Management Plans and Public Participation end March 2009.

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