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Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017 Prepared by: BCSD Family Engagement Team INSERT Revised 7-19-16 School’s Name Meeting Date Principal’s Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017 Prepared by: BCSD Family Engagement Team INSERT Revised 7-19-16 School’s Name Meeting Date Principal’s Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017 Prepared by: BCSD Family Engagement Team INSERT Revised 7-19-16 School’s Name Meeting Date Principal’s Name

2 What is a Title I School? How does our school participate in the Title I program? What are the benefits of Title I funding? What are our school’s Title I School-wide requirements? (Insert school’s name) School-wide Program Past and Present What curriculum does our school use? What is College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI)? 2 Overview Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016- 2017

3 What tests will my child be taking? What is our school’s Designation Status? What is parental involvement? What is required by law for parental involvement? What opportunities does the school provide for parental involvement? How responsive will the school be to my questions when staff is contacted? Closing and evaluations 3 Overview Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016- 2017

4 Section 3 Section 4 Section 2 Section 5 What is Title I? Section 1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

5 Section 3 Section 4 Section 2 Section 5 What is Title I? Section 1 Title I was enacted in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Act. It is the largest Federal Assistance Program for our nation’s schools. Title I provides federal funds through Georgia Department of Education to schools with at least 40% of the student population receiving free and reduced meals. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

6 Section 3 Section 4 Section 2 Section 5 What is Title I? Section 1 Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and meet and exceed state standards. The goal is to provide a high-quality education for every child, so the program provides extra help to students who need it most. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

7 Section 3 Section 4 Section 2 Section 5 Section 1 Title I Requirements All teachers must be highly qualified in the core subjects they teach. Parents have the right to know the qualifications of the teachers. Proven, research based instructional methods must be utilized in the classrooms. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

8 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 5 Benefits of Title I Funds Section 2 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

9 Title I School Budget (INSERT handout or projected image) As a parent of a child who receives Title I services in our school, you have the right to give input about how Title I Parental Involvement money is spent. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

10 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 5 Benefits of Title I Funds Section 2 Hiring additional teachers and other support staff to reduce class size. Purchasing supplemental instructional materials and educational programs. Conducting parent activities and workshops focusing on content academic areas. Providing professional development for teachers and staff. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

11 Parents Right to Know Letter INSERT School’s Copy Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

12 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 5 Section 2 All students will reach high standards with a minimum attaining the following proficiency by 2020: Increase Lexile scores with 90% of students reading on grade level. Increase graduation rate with 90% of students graduating within 4 years. District Academic Goals Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

13 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 5 Section 2 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

14 Flexible Learning Program (FLP) FLP is a supplemental academic intervention that is required for Priority and Focus Schools. FLP allows districts to design an extended learning program tailored to meet the needs of the school and students with the greatest academic need. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

15 Eligible Schools for FLP Elementary Brookdale Bruce Ingram-Pye Lane L.H. Williams MLK Southfield Riley Middle Ballard Hudson High Northeast Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

16 FLP Federal Rank Order Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

17 FLP Rank Order I: Students in the following subgroups that are not meeting standards as identified by state assessment results: students with disabilities, English Learners, or free and reduced price lunch (FRM) subgroups (Bibb County provides the Community Eligibility Provision instead of FRM); and if funding levels allow FLP Rank Order II: All other students that are not meeting standards, as identified by state assessment results; and if funding levels allow FLP Rank Order III: Students who are meeting standards, as identified by state assessment results. FLP Rank Order I: Students in the following subgroups that are not meeting standards as identified by state assessment results: students with disabilities, English Learners, or free and reduced price lunch (FRM) subgroups (Bibb County provides the Community Eligibility Provision instead of FRM); and if funding levels allow FLP Rank Order II: All other students that are not meeting standards, as identified by state assessment results; and if funding levels allow FLP Rank Order III: Students who are meeting standards, as identified by state assessment results. FLP Federal Rank Order Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

18 FLP Federal Rank Order Students in schools offering FLP Most Academically At-Risk & CEP, Students with Disabilities, or English Learners FLP Rank Order I FLP Rank Order II Other Most Academically At-Risk Students FLP Rank Order III Students who are NOT Most Academically At-Risk Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

19 FLP Schedule Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

20 FLP Schedule NE high school will offer FLP during the following times: o Before School o After School Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

21 Section 2 Section 4 Section 1 Section 5 Section 3 Georgia Standards of Excellence College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

22 Standards of Excellence The standards outline grade- level student expectations and core subjects. The CCRPI is the state accountability method used to measure school performance. CCRPI Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

23 Our District’s CCRPI Score: {Insert District’s CCRPI Score} Our School’s CCRPI Score: {Insert School’s CCRPI Here} Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

24 24 Georgia Milestones Video Note: Insert video from the Annual Title I Parent Meeting e-file to embed into this presentation Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

25 Georgia Milestones Helpful Resources Experience Online Parent’s Guide to EOG Student Report Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Milestones/Parents/Parent_Guide_EOG_Brochure_2016.pdf Parent’s Guide to EOC Student Report Assessment/Assessment/Documents/Milestones/Parents/Parent_Guide_EOC_Brochure_2016.pdf

26 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 5 School Designation Status Section 4 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

27 Reward Schools Highest-Performing Reward School Five percent of Title I schools in Georgia. Highest performance for the “All Students” group over three years. High schools with the highest graduation rates. High-Progress Reward School Ten percent of Georgia Title I schools. Highest progress in performance for the “All Students” group over three years. High schools that are making the most progress in increasing graduation rates. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

28 Priority Schools Identification of Priority Schools: 1. A three-year average of performance on the Content Mastery category of the CCRPI is calculated for all schools (this category is based on performance on statewide assessments) 2. Schools are ranked based on their three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category 3. The lowest five percent of Title I schools in the state, based on the three-year average in the CCRPI Content Mastery category, is identified Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

29 Priority Schools Identification of Priority Schools: 4. High schools with a four-year cohort graduation rate less than 60 percent in 2013 and 2014, which are not already captured in the lowest five percent, are identified 5. Schools identified as Priority Schools in 2012, which do not meet the criteria for exiting that list, are re-identified as Priority Schools Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

30 Focus Schools Identification of Focus Schools: 1. A three-year average of the CCRPI Achievement Gap score is calculated for all schools 2. Schools are ranked based on their three-year average of the CCRPI Achievement Gap score 3. The lowest 10 percent of Title I schools in the state, based on the three-year average CCRPI Achievement Gap score, is identified 4. Schools identified as Focus Schools in 2012, which do not meet the criteria for exiting that list, are re- identified as Focus Schools Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

31 Our School’s Designation Status: {Insert School’s Designation Status} Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

32 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 4 Parental Involvement Section 5 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

33 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 4 What is Parental Involvement? Section 5 Parental involvement means the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring: That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning. That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education. Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

34 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 4 What is Parental Involvement? Section 5 That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child. The carrying out of other activities, such as those described in section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

35 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 4 What is Required for Parental Involvement? Section 5 As mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), schools and districts must ensure that strong strategies are in place to: Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017 Build capacity to involve parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school. Share and support high student academic achievement.

36 Section 2 Section 3 Section 1 Section 4 What is Required for Parental Involvement? Section 5 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017 Provide full opportunities of parents with limited English proficiency, parents of migratory children, and parents with disabilities. Provide information and school reports in a language parents can understand, such as translated flyers or an interpreter present at meetings.

37 District Parental Involvement Plan Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

38 School Parental Involvement Plan INSERT IMAGE OF YOUR SCHOOL’S PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT PLAN HERE Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

39 School–Parent Compact INSERT IMAGE OF YOUR SCHOOL’S COMPACT HERE Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

40 REVIEW THE HANDOUT WITH THE PARTICIPANTS. PROVIDE HARD COPIES OF THE DOCUMENT. What opportunities does the school provide for parental involvement?


42 Questions Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

43 School Contact Information: {Insert Admin, Office, FEF information with titles} Jane Doe, Family Engagement Facilitator (123) 456-7890 Annual Title I Parent Meeting | 2016-2017

44 District Contact Information: Family Engagement Program (FEP) (478) 779-2592 Pamela Richardson, FEP Specialist, Howard/Westside Zone Makeba Rogers, FEP Specialist, Central/Southwest Zone Dawn Scott, FEP Specialist, Northeast/Rutland Zone Lottie Hayes, FEP Coordinator Flexible Learning Program (FLP) (478) 765-8745 Joanna Gittens-Summerow, Title I Education Specialist/FLP

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