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ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION Applies Fire Company of Plumbing System.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION Applies Fire Company of Plumbing System."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION Applies Fire Company of Plumbing System

2 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Installation of Fire company Purpose Of Common Instructional  After this Lesson solvent students can understand in explaining installation of fire company

3 Teknologi dan Rekayasa  Purpose Of Special Instructional, Student can mention: 1. Wet erect pipe system 2. Dry erect pipe system 3. Water transmitter tube system

4 Installation of Fire company.  In principle there are 3 kinds : Teknologi dan Rekayasa 1. Wet applicator pipe system 2. Dry applicator pipe system 3. Water transmitters tube system

5 1. Wet Applicator Pipe System :  WET Applicator Pipe System Drawing Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6  Description : Teknologi dan Rekayasa - In this system installation of Fire company pipe is jointed [by] directly at principal pipe of drinking water. - Every floor there is place of Fire company hose with length of 30 m

7 - At the last floor, installation attributed to crane and device sanitary as disposal aperture of atmosphere or water and it can be applied Teknologi dan Rekayasa -This system is depend on water pressure of principal pipe This installation will work carefully if principal pipe has minimum dividing valve of 3 bar.

8 -Installation of Pipe is always loaded by clean water causing is called as wet applicator pipe system Teknologi dan Rekayasa

9 Work Principle : - If happened [fire/burning] in a room hence people take easily Available have been fire company hose in each level of housing. Teknologi dan Rekayasa -Firstly, opens / breaks place of hose. -Second, draws hose so that not far from place of [fire/burning]. -Third, crane rotary on course open -Fourth, water is always available at passage will spurt exit. - Fifth, points water to the fire until extinguishing.

10 2. Dry Application Pipe System DRY Applicator Pipe System Drawing Teknologi dan Rekayasa

11  Description : Teknologi dan Rekayasa In this installation system of Fire company pipe is not jointed directly at principal pipe of drinking water. But the installation within doors end in ventilation as aperture filler water from fire automobile.

12  Zero erect pipe, if there is fire, the applycated pipe is filled by fire engine with pump through a ventilation. Teknologi dan Rekayasa  Every floor there is box/ fire company hose repository

13 Work principles : - If any [fire/burning], fire engine must be delivered to fill water of all installation of fire company pipe. Teknologi dan Rekayasa - After installation is loaded by new water, we can utilize hydrants hose to extinguisher fire.

14 - After being completed, water of the installation must be emptied again. Teknologi dan Rekayasa - in this system installation there is no water and only filled by water in the event of fire. Reform of this system is called as dry erect pipe system

15 3. Water Transmitter Tube System  Water transitter tube system Drawing Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 Installation of Fire company of transitter tube system

17  Description : Teknologi dan Rekayasa At water transitter tube system with wet passage or drought. Water transitter tube will work automatically if in the room arises fire. by amount of fire and temperature transmitted hence room temperature to be temperature and reaches point of tin liquid or water transmitter tube glass will break the tube and water will spurt exit.

18 With its exit water through the tube as a result of accentual at slice way downwards and alarm says. Teknologi dan Rekayasa During the same of logic water from accentual tank to slice way always to breake transmitter tubes.

19  The advantages Teknologi dan Rekayasa  Fire danger with transmitter tube system soon can be overcome.  Fire is not simply be amount.  By means of the [fire/burning] automatically informs us.

20 Installation of Hydrants Box/Building  Building hydrants System consist of equipments and components as follow : Teknologi dan Rekayasa Hydrants component Water supply Pump Pipe

21  Hydrants consist of components as follow : Teknologi dan Rekayasa a.Hydrants box containing rolled hose, transmitter pipe ( nozzle), opener crane and current occlusion. b. Current expenditure clutch.

22 Table of number and accessories of building hydrants Teknologi dan Rekayasa

23 Hose Diameter.  Diameter minimum building hydrants hose 3,75 cm is 1,5 inch Teknologi dan Rekayasa

24 Vertical Pipe Diameter  Building hydrants of erect pipe diameter must be adapted for classification of building as follow: Teknologi dan Rekayasa a.Classification A, B, C, diameter minimum of erect pipe 5 cm (2 Inch). b.Classification D. Diameter minimum of vertical pipe 6,25 cm (2,5 Inch) c.Classification D. Diameter minimum of vertical pipe 10 cm (4 Inch).

25 Hydrants Box Scale  Minimum scale of hydrants box is : length = 52 cm breadth= 15 cm height = 66 cm Teknologi dan Rekayasa

26 Determination Is Dimension Fire company Pipe  Pipe which has diameter to 6,25 cm ( 2,5 inch) must apply knuckle joint  Pipe which has diameter bigger than 6,25 cm( 2,5 inch) must apply weld joint.  Horizon pipe in building must be given hanger Teknologi dan Rekayasa

27  Pipe piercing concrete building must be provided bushing with clauses : Teknologi dan Rekayasa  Bushing material is iron tuang/ steel pipe.  Bushing scale can give minimum allowance 25 mm is outside pipe  Pipe piercing concrete building has water impermeable layer, hence chamber between pipes and bushing must be made water proof.

28  Subterranean pipe must fulfill clauses following : Teknologi dan Rekayasa 1.ground dig for pipe has minimum depth 75cm from ground equiamplitude surface 2. Dig aperture basis must enough plane and stable 3. Around pipe must be given sand as thick 15 cm. 4.Pipe must be painted flunkout ( flunkout) a minimum of laminated 3 5. Pipe must be given distance fulcrums every 3 meter.

29 Installation system design of Fire company ( hydrants box) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

30 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

31 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

32 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

33 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

34 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

35 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

36 Installation System Design of Fire company Teknologi dan Rekayasa

37 DOESN'T PLAY WITH FIRE Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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