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Bellwork—Literary Terms—1/15/15 Define, in your own words, the following terms: 1.Simile 2.Metaphor 3.Tone 4.Mood 5. Allusion 6.Theme 7.Rhyme Scheme 8.Idiom.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork—Literary Terms—1/15/15 Define, in your own words, the following terms: 1.Simile 2.Metaphor 3.Tone 4.Mood 5. Allusion 6.Theme 7.Rhyme Scheme 8.Idiom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork—Literary Terms—1/15/15 Define, in your own words, the following terms: 1.Simile 2.Metaphor 3.Tone 4.Mood 5. Allusion 6.Theme 7.Rhyme Scheme 8.Idiom You have 5 minutes.

2 REVIEW OF LITERARY TERMS Unit III: The Paradoxes of Life and Language

3 A comparison between two unlike things without using the words “like” or “as” ◦ Ex: My teacher is a dragon! ◦ Because, baby, you’re a firework. A comparison between two unlike things using the words “like” or “as” ◦ Ex: The student was as quiet as a mouse. ◦ Your words cut like knives. Simile words

4 ◦ How an author feels towards a character, subject, setting ◦ Tone Words: amused, hopeful, proud, sympathetic, irritated, hateful, furious Mood Tone ◦ How a text makes the audience feel ◦ Mood Words: awed, excited, surprised, scared, numb, intimidated, refreshed This is entertaining. Honestly, I’m a little scared. Well, that surprised me. I am quite amused.

5 ◦ A reference to something well known in a text. ◦ It can be done directly or indirectly Allusion The moral or central idea of a story Theme

6 The repetition of similar sounds in two or more words Denoted using letters An expression that can not be understood from the individual meaning of each word. A figure of speech. ◦ Ex: It was raining cats and dogs. ◦ My students are driving me up the wall. ◦ I’m feeling under the weather. Idiom Rhyme Scheme I used to be alive, but now I’m dead (at last I think )! A I’m just a guy like all the rest (though true my eyes don’t blink ) A Everywhere I go they say I really don’t fit in B The party always scatters when I arrive (I just can’t win )! B

7 A statement that is self-contradictory because it often contains two statements that are both true, but in general, cannot both be true at the same time. Paradox Nobody I’m nobody. I’m a compulsive liar—am I lying when I say that? Nobody goes to that restaurant because it’s too crowded. You shouldn’t go into the water until you know how to swim.

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