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BPS3413 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY Lecture 9 : Movement of People and Vehicle.

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1 BPS3413 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY Lecture 9 : Movement of People and Vehicle

2 LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of the class, it is expected that student will be able to: LO1: Identify hazards on movement of people and vehicle LO2: Determine suitable controls when moving people and vehicle

3 INTRODUCTION People are most often involved in accidents as they walk around the construction site or when they come into contact with vehicles in or around the site Slips, trips and falls account for the majority of accidents to pedestrians Excessive speed or other unsafe vehicle practices may cause serious accidents


5 HAZARDS TO PEDESTRIAN The most common hazards to pedestrians at work: slips, trips and falls on the same level falls from height collisions with moving vehicles being struck by moving falling or flying objects striking against fixed or stationary objects

6 SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS ON THE SAME LEVEL Most common of the hazards facing pedestrians Slips and trips - biggest single cause of reported injuries in the construction industry Civil compensation claims are becoming more common and costly to employers - tripped on uneven paving slabs on pavements or in shopping centres.

7 SLIP HAZARDS wet or dusty floors the spillage of wet or dry substances – oil, water, cement dust and fuel from site vehicles loose mats on slippery floors wet and/or icy weather conditions unsuitable footwear or floor coverings or sloping floors.

8 TRIP HAZARDS obstacles, such as bricks, blocks or timber, left around the site loose floorboards or carpets obstructions, low walls, low fixtures on the floor cables or trailing leads across walkways or uneven surfaces. rugs and mats – particularly when worn or placed on a polished surface poor housekeeping – obstacles left on walkways and working platforms, construction waste and debris not removed regularly poor lighting levels – particularly near steps or other changes in level sloping or uneven floors –particularly where there is poor lighting or no handrails unsuitable footwear – shoes with a slippery sole or lack of ankle support.


10 FALLS FROM HEIGHT The most common cause of serious injury or death in the construction industry Accidents are usually concerned with falls of greater than 2m and often result in fractured bones, serious head injuries, loss of consciousness and death Example - Falls down staircases and stairways, through fragile roofs, off landings and stepladders and from vehicles

11 COLLISIONS WITH MOVING VEHICLES can occur within the workplace premises or on the access roads around the building site no separation between pedestrians and vehicles or where vehicles are speeding Poor lighting, blind corners, the lack of warning signs and barriers at road crossing points also increase the risk of this type of accident

12 BEING STRUCK BY MOVING, FALLING OR FLYING OBJECTS This causes 18% of fatalities at work and is the second highest cause of fatality in the construction industry Moving objects include, articles being moved, moving parts of machinery or conveyor belt systems Flying objects are often generated by the disintegration of a moving part or a failure of a system under pressure

13 STRIKING AGAINST FIXED OR STATIONARY OBJECTS Injuries are caused to a person either by colliding with a fixed part of the building structure, work in progress, a machine member, a stationary vehicle or by falling against such objects The head appears to be the most vulnerable part of the body Concussion in a mild form is the most common outcome and a medical check-up is normally recommended

14 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Slips, trips and falls on the same level: Planning – remove or minimize the risks by using appropriate control measures and defined working practices (e.g. covering all trailing leads) Organization – involve all workers and supervisors in the planning process Control – record all cleaning and maintenance work. Ensure that anti- slip covers and cappings are placed on stairs, ladders, catwalks, kitchen floors and smooth walkways. Monitoring and review – carry out regular safety audits of cleaning and housekeeping procedures and include trip hazards in safety surveys.

15 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Falls from a height, ENSURE: Adequate width of the stairway, depth of the tread and provision of landings and banisters or handrails and intermediate rails provision of non-slip surfaces and reflective edging adequate lighting adequate maintenance special or alternative provision for disabled people (for example, personnel elevator at the side of the staircase).

16 Stairs leading from site accommodation

17 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Collisions with moving vehicles:- completely separating pedestrians and vehicles providing well marked, protected and laid out pedestrian walkways Suitable guardrails and barriers should be erected at entrances and exits from buildings and at ‘blind’ corners at the end of racking in warehouses

18 Typical pedestrian/vehicle crossing area

19 Barriers to prevent collision with tank surrounds/bunds

20 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Being struck by moving, falling or flying objects: guarding or fencing the moving part adopting the measures outlined for construction work use of covered walkways or suitable netting to catch falling debris Waste material should be brought to ground level by the use of chutes or hoists Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as hard hats or safety glasses, should be worn at all times


22 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR PEDESTRIAN HAZARDS Striking against fixed or stationary objects can be control effectively by: having good standards of lighting and housekeeping by ensuring that all waste debris and construction materials, particularly timber, are safely stored and/or removed from the site defining walkways and making sure they are used the use of awareness measures, such as training and information in the form of signs or distinctive coloring the use of appropriate personal protective equipment ensuring that all protruding nails or screws are either removed or flattened against the timber.

23 Pedestrians separated from the work and traffic

24 HAZARDS IN VEHICLE OPERATIONS There are major accidents (involving serious fractures, head injuries and amputations) caused by: collisions between pedestrians and vehicles people falling from vehicles people being struck by objects falling from vehicles people being struck by an overturning vehicle communication problems between vehicle drivers and employees or members of the public. A key cause of these accidents is the lack of competent and documented driver training.

25 HAZARDS IN VEHICLE OPERATIONS More hazardous situation: reversing of vehicles, especially inside buildings poor road surfaces and/or poorly drained road surfaces roadways too narrow with insufficient safe parking areas roadways poorly marked out and inappropriate or unfamiliar signs used too few pedestrian crossing points the non-separation of pedestrians and vehicles lack of barriers along roadways lack of directional and other signs poor environmental factors, such as lighting, dust and noise ill-defined speed limits and/or speed limits which are not enforced poor or no regular maintenance checks vehicles used by untrained and/or unauthorized personnel poor training or lack of refresher training.

26 CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR SAFE VEHICLE OPERATIONS Any control strategy involving vehicle operations will involve a risk assessment to ascertain where, on traffic routes, accidents are most likely to happen risk assessment examines both internal and external traffic routes, particularly when goods are loaded and unloaded from lorries

27 ISSUES NEED TO BE ADDRESSED traffic routes, loading and storage areas need to be well designed with enforced speed limits, good visibility and the separation of vehicles and pedestrians environmental considerations, such as visibility, road surface conditions, road gradients and changes in road level, must also be taken into account the use of one-way systems and separate site access gates for vehicles and pedestrians may be required the safety of members of the public must be considered, particularly where vehicles cross public footpaths all external roadways must be appropriately marked, and suitable direction and speed limit signs erected along the roadways. induction training for all new employees must include the location and designation of pedestrian walkways and crossings

28 Site entrance to a large construction site

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