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The Student Conduct and Discipline Code DAY TWO ACTIVITIES.

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Presentation on theme: "The Student Conduct and Discipline Code DAY TWO ACTIVITIES."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Student Conduct and Discipline Code DAY TWO ACTIVITIES

2  The Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet can be found on the SCPS website. Today we will highlight some of the items.  Discuss pages 1-3 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet. 1 ST PERIOD


4  Students have the ______ to attend school and school functions free of fear, harm or harassment. Rules keep us ______. WHY DO WE NEED RULES?

5  The Student Conduct and Discipline Code applies to all students even when on field trips, at volleyball games, in tutorial, and on the bus.  A student can receive consequences for something he/she posts on the Internet (while off campus) if that post disrupts learning at school. TRUE OR FALSE

6  Does the law say you should follow the directions of adults at all times while involved with school related activities? YES

7 This section can be found on page 2. To summarize…  Only bring items to school that you need for school. Remember that the administrators are allowed to detain you, search your backpacks, pockets, etc and confiscate your property if are suspected of not following school rules.  Respect others and yourself by leaving non-educational items at home.  Discuss with your group how to respect others’ property.  Discuss what could happen if you borrow someone's backpack, cell phone, or other personal items.


9  Discuss in your group ways to show RESPECT to the adults on campus. THE “R” IN RISE= RESPECT

10  Discuss pages 4-11 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website. 3 RD PERIOD

11  Discuss some situations where adults might have to use force. WITH A PARTNER OR IN GROUPS

12  The Student Conduct and Discipline Code lists 11 requirements or responsibilities of students. How many can your group come up with? RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY

13 1. Who should you call to anonymously report concerns regarding drugs, weapons, bullying, harassment, violence, abuse, etc? 2. What is the name of the Facebook and Twitter anti-bullying campaign? 3. What is the name of the program that teaches students to be ________ instead of bystanders? ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS IN YOUR GROUPS


15  If you threaten someone, you could be suspended and arrested. If you have a conflict with someone, what steps can you take instead of threatening someone? List constructive options. DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUPS

16  Read the definition of BULLYING.  Discuss non-examples and examples with your group.  List steps to take if you see bullying or are being bullied. WE DO NOT TOLERATE BULLYING

17 Which of these is considered cheating. Decide with your group.  Copying and pasting from the Internet into your essay and turning it in as your own work  Copying math homework from a friend before school starts  Using your cell phone to look up answers to a closed-book test  Turning in someone else's work as your own Someone that asks to copy your homework is not RESPECTING YOU and is NOT YOUR TRUE FRIEND! See the next slide for the consequences of cheating… RESPECT OTHERS


19 Discuss the definitions of these words. Can you and your group define them all?  Aggression  Alcohol possession, use, sale, distribution  Classroom disruption  Confrontation  Destruction of property  Disrespect  Disruption on campus  Dress code violation  Electronic device misuse  Failure to report  False accusation  Fighting  Forgery  Horseplay  Inappropriate act  Insubordination  Lying/misrepresentation  Skipping school  Skipping class  Tardy  Unauthorized area WITH YOUR GROUPS


21  Discuss pages 11-14 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website. 5 TH PERIOD



24  You might not get to have a driver’s license when you are old enough if you miss too much school. TRUE OR FALSE

25  Discuss with your group, why regular school attendance is important. ATTENDANCE

26  When you have to be absent, bring in a note explaining the reason.  If a parent or guardian fails to send his or her child to school regularly, he or she can be charged with a second degree misdemeanor.  A student is considered TRUANT if he or she has 15 or more unexcused absences within 90 days. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED

27  Can you carry medication and give it to yourself at school?  Only if you have a form on file in the clinic.  The clinic cannot give you any kind of medicine, including over-the-counter medicine, without a form on file. What are some examples of over-the-counter medicine? MEDICATION

28  Discuss pages 14-17 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website. 7 TH PERIOD

29  Discuss with your group the rules about using school computers. How many can you remember?  Discuss what can happen if you violate the Acceptable Use Policy. RESPECT ELECTRONIC RESOURCES

30  Sometimes, if a student is repeatedly disruptive or poses a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of others, he or she may be involuntarily assigned to an alternative program or school. If that happens, the student is not allowed to be on any public school campus and not allowed to participate in school activities or events. RESPECT YOURSELF ENOUGH TO STAY OUT OF TROUBLE

31  Why is a dress code necessary? Discuss with your group. Would you rather have a uniform?  In your group, think of as many dress code expectations as you can. DRESS CODE

32  How many did your group get right? DRESS CODE

33  If you wear a sleeveless shirt, it must have a collar.  See-through garments are prohibited (not allowed). DRESS CODE

34  Leggings are not pants. They are considered undergarments. The “tunic-type” top must be mid-thigh or below if worn with leggings.  Lower garments with rips or tears above mid-thigh must not show skin.  Waistbands must be worn above the hips. DRESS CODE

35  Sagging pants?  There are extra consequences! DRESS CODE

36  Discuss with your group the benefits of dressing for educational success. DRESS CODE

37  Discuss pages 17-24 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website.  Explain where the Discipline Office is located. 2 ND PERIOD

38  Discuss with your group why bus rules are necessary. RESPECT OTHERS ON THE BUS

39  There are 18 expectations for students riding the bus. How many can your group remember? RESPECT OTHERS ON THE BUS

40  Did your group guess them all? RESPECT OTHERS ON THE BUS

41  Transportation is a privilege and can be taken away for misconduct. RESPECT OTHERS ON THE BUS

42  Discuss what it means to be suspended. What does this mean with regard to school activities and events? WITH YOUR GROUP



45  What are some reasons students could be suspended?  Are students allowed to make-up missed work if they get suspended? DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP

46 1.Can someone be suspended for a crime committed off campus? 2.What is more serious than suspension? 3.If you are expelled from another school, even a private school, can you re-enroll in your zoned school? DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP

47 1. YES



50  Discuss pages 24-30 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website. 4 TH PERIOD

51  Discuss all of the extra-curricular activities at MLMS. WITH YOUR GROUP

52  Why are citizenship standards needed for extracurricular activities? DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUP



55  Discuss with your group what you know about the rules for taking pictures and filming. TAKING PICTURES AND FILMING

56  What is discrimination? What is Title IX?  Why is it inappropriate to discriminate against someone because of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, or any other reason? DISCUSS WITH YOUR GROUPS



59  Discuss pages 24-30 of the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet which can be found on the SCPS website. 6 TH PERIOD

60  There are several legal notices in the Student Conduct and Discipline Code booklet. Be sure to read them all online.  These notices relate to  Controlled substances  Electronic devices  Weapons  Violence  Transportation policies  Harassment  False reports  Students’ rights LEGAL NOTICES


62  Cell phones and other personal items should only be used during approved times.  Some teachers will have directions for using personal devices in their classrooms for educational purposes. Please do not abuse the privilege or your device will be confiscated. CELL PHONES AND OTHER DEVICES


64  SESIR violations are those behaviors that are the most severe and have the strictest consequences. Most require the student to serve Out-of School Suspension. All SESIR Violations have to be reported to the state of Florida. Almost all of them require the student to be referred to law enforcement.  Discuss with your group what SESIR Violations might be.  There is a Matrix of Infractions for SESIR Violations and a Matrix of Infractions for other offenses. This Matrix details to optional and mandatory consequences for each offense. SESIR VIOLATIONS




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