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From Benefits to Work Katy Pearson, Monica Bryce and Rob Harrod Priority Families Employment Advisors Nottingham City Health & Wellbeing Board.

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Presentation on theme: "From Benefits to Work Katy Pearson, Monica Bryce and Rob Harrod Priority Families Employment Advisors Nottingham City Health & Wellbeing Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Benefits to Work Katy Pearson, Monica Bryce and Rob Harrod Priority Families Employment Advisors Nottingham City Health & Wellbeing Board

2 Learning outcomes:- Overview of benefits and welfare reforms Universal Credit and the changes coming Understanding the psychology of work Better off myth busting Get Britain working initiatives

3 Priority Families Employment Advisors Who are we? Why are we part of Priority Families? What do we do?

4 What do you know about benefits? Main benefit types: Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Income Support (IS)

5 Others you may come across Carers Allowance Disability Living Allowance (DLA) Personal Independence Payments (PIP) Housing Benefit Council Tax Benefit Child Tax Credits Child Benefit

6 Benefit Cap

7 Universal Credit (UC) What is UC? ‘one for all’ benefit Introduced to support most disadvantaged people to transform their lives Less complicated Will reduce the welfare bill (reduces fraud and error)

8 What benefits is it replacing? Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) Income Support Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) Housing Benefit Child Tax Credits Working Tax Credits

9 What does this mean for families going forward? One payment Payable into a bank/building society/post office card account or Credit Union current account Payable Monthly They will be responsible for paying their own rent Roll out will begin in February 2016 in Nottingham for new claims

10 What are the benefits? Easier transition from benefits to work Easier control of benefits for zero hour contracts Multi-agency working reduces fraud and error Gives the individual responsibility to manage their own money, preparing them for the world of work

11 Concerns? We know there will be concerns, but UC is happening, we cannot change this, what we can do is PREPARE them: Talk to your families Refer them for debt advice/support where appropriate Refer for money management/budgeting support

12 The Psychology of Work

13 Locus of Control People who develop an internal locus of control believe that they are responsible for their own success. Those with an external locus of control believe that external forces, like luck, determine their outcomes.

14 Common Attributed Factors Perceived Locus of Control InternalExternal Attribution of ControlEffort Task Difficulty Attribution of No Control AbilityLuck

15 Tips for Developing an Internal Locus of Control Help them to recognise the basic fact they always have a choice. Making no choice is actually a choice in itself, and it's their choice to allow other people or events decide for them. Encourage them to set goals for themselves and note how, by working towards these and achieving these, they are controlling what happens in their life. As they do this, they'll find that their self- confidence quickly builds. Look at developing their decision making and problem solving skills so they can feel more confident, and in control of what happens. Encourage them to pay attention to their self-talk. When they hear themselves saying things like, "I have no choice" or "There's nothing I can do", get them to step back and remind themselves they do, in fact, have some degree of control. It's their choice whether they exercise it or not.


17 Exercise 1 Lets look at how being in and out of work can affect a families self esteem and motivation? What are a families perceived positives of staying unemployed?

18 Exercise 1 cont. Are these perceived positives a smoke screen? In groups consider the possible reasons for people not wanting to move into work? What are the positives for someone moving into work and how can these impact on the whole family?

19 What support is available within Jobcentres for families with complex needs? More frequent Attendance with a Work Coach Disability Employment Advisors Work Psychologists Group Information Sessions Work Experience/Volunteer Work/Permitted Work Sector Based Work Academies Funds to Remove Barriers Relationships with Providers for Specific Training Case Conferencing Free computer/internet access

20 Other support available externally Providers delivering Specific Training Step into Work/Talent Match Apprenticeship Hub Nottingham Jobs Fund Work Clubs Social Media Numerous Job search websites CV/employability skills support

21 Greater Nottingham Top 5 Sectors 1.Health & Social Care 2.Construction 3.Hospitality 4.Customer Service/Call Centre 5.Admin/Office (based on activity with JCP )

22 Exercise 2 How will work affect your families? Read and discuss the case studies on your tables, then write on flip chart; What are the barriers the family may present? What support is available to overcome these barriers? How do you think going to work would affect their weekly income/benefits?

23 Exercise 2 Better off calculations: Case Study 1 – Current income £390.23, could increase to £482.71 = £92.47 better off per week working 16 hours Case Study 2 – Current income £559.50, could increase to £653.06 = £93.56 better off per week based on John working 16 hours Case Study 3 – Current income £57.90, could increase to £191.17 = £133.27 better off per week based on Simon working 37 hours You can use the online calculation facility with your families by visiting

24 Tools to assist you Priority Families Employment Checklist Motivational Balance Scaling

25 PF Employment Checklist




29 Any questions?

30 Priority Family Employment Advisor Contact Details Nottingham North: Katy Pearson - 07771 837588 Nottingham Central: Monica Bryce – 07920 155014 Nottingham South: Rob Harrod – 07920 181547

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