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Welcome to Grade 4 Parent Orientation! Back to School August 22, 2016 Ms. Paulson’s Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Grade 4 Parent Orientation! Back to School August 22, 2016 Ms. Paulson’s Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Grade 4 Parent Orientation! Back to School August 22, 2016 Ms. Paulson’s Class

2 Agenda  Meet and greet  Meet the teacher  Curriculum & Schedule, Assessment, Homework  Behavior  Communication  Uniform and Health  Service and Volunteer opportunities  Miscellaneous  Write a note for your child’s first day  Write a praise note

3 Meet and Greet  To help us get acquainted please  State your name  State the name of your student  Share something exciting you did this summer that your child might come into school talking about

4 Meet Ms. Paulson  This is my second year teaching at St. Mark  Graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a Bachelors in Liberal Studies and a minor in English  Currently attending LMU’s graduate program for a Masters in Educational Studies with an emphasis in Counseling  This past summer I took a multicultural counseling class in Ecuador as well as traveled around Spain.  I am an active Crossfit member and go everyday!  I am a mentor to 2 LMU students

5 Curriculum and Schedule  Students will learn through whole and small group instruction as well as hands-on exploration (centers)  Core Subjects: Language Arts (Comprehension, Fluency, Writing, Grammar, Word Study) Math, Religion, Social Studies, Science  Morning Drop off : 7:40am students must be in line  Morning 20 minute Recess: 10:10-10:30am  Lunch: 12:25-1:05pm  School Ends: 3:00pm

6 Assessment  6 reporting periods- 3 progress reports, 3 report cards  Report cards are standards based and reflect yearlong goals  Not all standards will be covered by first reporting time  Observational and formal testing  Weekly spelling and vocabulary tests

7 Homework  Homework packet will be given the Friday before that week  Will be uploading and posting it on my website  Subjects will vary  I require parent signatures to ensure a good communication between me, you, and the students

8 Academics Etc.  ST Math  Multiplication Facts  Organization is KEY  Big transition from 3 rd grade… I really push independence and responsibility so by the time they leave my class they are ready for 5 th grade

9 Behavior  Positive reinforcement  Peacebuilders- praise notes, class recognition, school recognition  Class can fill marble jar for working together  I will be in constant communication with parents about behavior in school  CHILL CORNER

10 Communication  Agenda- sent home daily and will list homework, behavior, and any other news  Parents can use this to respond to teacher comments, share non-urgent information  Email is the best form of communication- check before and after school. I will respond within 24 hours.  Website  New and improved! Please subscribe to both fourth grade and school pages for up to date information

11 Uniform  Uniform:  Will need Full dress Mass attire  Will also need PE clothes and sweater (worn 2x a week)  Recommended casual uniform  Girls: Skirts cannot be more than 3 inches above the knee. No nail polish. If jewlrey is going to be distracting, please keep it at home.  Boys: if there are belt loops, there needs to be a belt  Socks must cover ankles  Solid white or black shoes  LABEL EVERYTHING!!

12 Health  Bathroom: students will get bathroom passes that they can save and turn in for extra credit  Water Bottles: please have one in your child’s backpack each day so that he or she can access as needed when in class  Birthdays: Bring anything you want as long as you let me know prior to the birthdate. I will set aside 10 minutes at the end of the day for treats.  Snack and lunch: Healthy options, lots of protein. We are now a trash free campus, whatever trash the students bring they will take home with them. Use reuseable containers!  Medicine: Kept and distributed through the office

13 Service Opportunities  I will be sending an email with volunteering opportunities  Help with science experiments, organization, parties, field trip etc.  Please fill out volunteer form on side table before you leave

14 Volunteering & Field Trips  All parents must be fingerprinted and Virtus trained in order to chaperone on a field trip or volunteer on campus  Fingerprinting  September 17 th  Police Department (bring SMS LiveScan form)

15 Miscellaneous  For the sake of time, please write down any questions and drop them into the “mailbox” bin before your way out.  I can address these through email  Email me with any other questions!

16 Write a Letter and Praise Note!  Please take a few minutes to write a note for your child to receive on his or her first day. We will take time to read these special notes.  Please take some time to write a praise note for your child to hang out our back whiteboard!

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