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Welcome 2 Lesson 13 Revision Present Simple | Present Continuous Revision: articles, Сan, may, mustn’t.. There is / are, prepositions To be, pronouns,

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome 2 Lesson 13 Revision Present Simple | Present Continuous Revision: articles, Сan, may, mustn’t.. There is / are, prepositions To be, pronouns,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome 2 Lesson 13 Revision Present Simple | Present Continuous Revision: articles, Сan, may, mustn’t.. There is / are, prepositions To be, pronouns, have got, possessive case of nouns

3 Вопросы Общие вопросы Начинаются с вспомогательного глагола Требуют ответа да или нет Специальные вопросы Начинаются с вопросительного слова Требуют развернутого ответа Is he Yes, from ? he is Where ? ? What nationality English is he How old are you ?

4 4 types Гласные буквы 1 тип Гласная +согл. + е (немая) 2 тип Гласная +согласн гласн 3 тип чтения Гласная + r 4 тип Гласная + r +e A a [ei] plane [æ] cat [a:] car [ ɛǝ ] hare E e [i:] Peter [e] then [ə:] her [ıə] here I i (Y y) [ai] kite [i] six [ə:] bird [aiə] fire O o [ ə u] rose [o] nod [o:] ford [o:] more U u [ju:] mute [^] cut [ə:] burn [ juə] cure

5 Revision reading 4 Прочитай, над словами поставь 1, 2, 3, 4 тип чтения или подчеркни буквосочетания, напиши транскрипцию подчеркнутых слов. sad, other, paint, feat, heel, mace, fuse, curl, tall, view, talk, goat, may, baby, pall, morrow, down, law, word, war, what, brother, quill, quarter, lire, tore, here, more, ear, bear, our, show, main, hour, house, master, fasten, measure, rescue, mixture, dictation, nation, fixture, right, know, knit, cellar, chase, crack, cyber, chicken, gangster, Ginny, whether, whale, where, few, chew

6 Articles hometask

7 Present Continuous состоит из 2 частей am Смысловой глагол is are + ing

8 Present Continuous Описывает действие, которое происходит в настоящий момент, в момент речи. Например: I am reading now. – Я читаю сейчас. He is listening now. – Он слушает сейчас. She is looking at me now. – Она смотрит на меня сейчас. Временно He is working at his new article this week.

9 A grammar poem

10 Present Simple вспомогательный глагол – «невидимка» do Смыслов ой глагол does Множестве нное число Единственн ое число Смыслов ой глагол ? ? Does Do They He I

11 Present Simple Описывает действие, которое происходит постоянно : I love you. – Я люблю тебя. He likes apples. – Он любит яблоки. She lives in Moscow. – Она живет в Москве. или регулярно: We go to school at 8 o’clock. They brush my teeth every morning.

12 * I’ve got an elder brother. He is called Kevin. * He is an early riser. He gets up at seven. * He makes his bed and waters his flowers. * He brushes his teeth and has a shower. * He combs his hair and washes his face. * He’s got a beard, so he never shaves. * For breakfast he has sandwiches and tea. * Sometimes in the meantime he watches TV. * He feeds his dog and takes it for a walk. * If he meets his neighbour, he stops to talk. * On a warm sunny morning * he often goes jogging. * If there is rain or wind, * He works out in the gym.



15 P 61


17 Маркеры Present ContinuousPresent Simple Описывает действие, которое происходит в настоящий момент, в момент речи или временно Описывает действие, которое происходит постоянно или регулярно at the moment в настоящий момент now сейчас at present в настоящий момент today сегодня this week на этой неделе this month в этом месяце this year в этом году this Monday / Tuesday в этот понедельник \ вторник always всегда often часто usually обычно sometimes иногда seldom \ rarely редко Never никогда every day каждый день every week каждую неделю every month каждый месяц every year каждый год on Monday / Tuesday…… в понедельник \ вторник… Пред смысловым глаголом

18 Sort out Game

19 Correct the mistakes 1.Are you sending an email? – Yes, you are. 2.Are they digging in the garden? – No, they are. 3.Are they playing with a kite? – No, they aren’t. They playing with ball. 4.Is she picking a flowers? – No, she isn’t. She is pick an apple. 5.Is they singing? – yes, they is. 6.We are eatting sandwiches and listenning to music. 7.Carlos play the guitar very well. 8.I wears a uniform at work. 9.We doesn’t swim very well. 10.We have seldom lunch. 11.You always are polite to your teachers. 12.Dad washes his car never. 13.I often buying fruit from the greengrocer’s. 14.Look at Tom and Jim! They walking up the hill. 15.We always wearing warm clothes in winter. 16.He often eat a sandwich at lunchtime. 17.They donot liking potatoes. 18.My sister always talk a lot. 19.My brother never wash up. 20.We often sing a songs at night. 21.The baby sleep at the moment. 22.I goes to bed every night in 10 o’clock. 23.Mother always wash the dishes. 24.Jane reads a book at the moment. 25.She runs very quickly. Look! 26.We never rude to people. 27.We like travelling on April. 28.Do you like travel in spring? 29.What are you doing? – I cooking dinner. But you never coking on Saturdays. You always eating out. 30.My grandson be here today. 31.Be quiet! The girls sleepping. 32.They never eatting carrots. 33.I am at the disco. Some people dance on the dance floor, some people siting and drinking cola. 34.We goes to the disco every week. We usually drinks cola and dances.

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