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Starter – Ask and answer 2 questions in French with your partner.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter – Ask and answer 2 questions in French with your partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter – Ask and answer 2 questions in French with your partner

2 Objectives: We are working at levels 1 and 2 today Some might gain a bonus level 3. To say what is in your pencil case through speaking, reading and listening. To communicate in French when asked a question in French about objects LITERACY – using indefinite articles (un/e)













15 un crayon

16 un stylo

17 un carnet de textes

18 un taille-crayon

19 un livre

20 un cahier

21 un portable

22 un sac

23 une trousse

24 une gomme

25 une règle

26 une porte-monnaie

27 Écouter Notez les objets dans le bon ordre 1-12 Level 1 Listening. Extension: without looking at the book can you write out the French word? page huit

28 Dans mon sac j’ai…

29 Masculin ou feminin In French there are two words for ‘a’: Unune These are found in all NOUNS. They come before NOUNS Un words are masculine Une words are feminine- as they are known to sounds female. A few feminine words end in –e Now classify these words into the correct column. The challenge is to try NOT to use the book say the word and see what you think SOUNDS corrrect.

30 Lire et Écrire Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans le sac qui reste? Écris une liste page huit, Ex3 What’s in the bag which is left over? Write a list

31 PLENARY: Ask your partner if they have certain things in their bag using the words we learned today. Write a sentence of what you have found out. For example Josh a un crayon, une gomme et un cahier dans son sac REMEMBER: J’ai – I have Il a/ Elle a – He has/She has

32 Objectives: We are working at levels 1 and 2 today Some might gain a bonus level 3. To say what is in your pencil case through speaking, reading and listening. To communicate in French when asked a question in French about objects LITERACY – using indefinite articles (un/e)


34 Dans mon sac j’ai…


36 L’objet disparu






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