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Technical Assistance Session for Fiscal Year 2016 -17 May 23 and 24, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Assistance Session for Fiscal Year 2016 -17 May 23 and 24, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Assistance Session for Fiscal Year 2016 -17 May 23 and 24, 2016

2 Welcome/Introductions/Housekeeping Communications – Contact info and documents Funding Agreement Review for New Contracts and 3 Year Renewals ADA Requirement Presentation Quarterly Reporting and Data Collection Reimbursement Requests Other Compliance Requirements: Deliverables/Outcomes – Exhibit A-1 Exhibit D: Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) EXHIBIT E: Federal Requirements a AGENDA:

3 Staff Roles Valerie Johnson – Reimbursement Requests, Quarterly Reports Chris Alexander– Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Jenny Abramson - Outcomes, Continuum of Care linkage Chuck Mottern– Agreements, Amendments, Funding Cycle Questions

4 Membership based technical assistance site: / / Our primary communication tool CDC Funding Process – Application and dates Reporting instructions Current Forms Dates Email Communication

5 Changes to this years contract Detailed Boilerplate Review Exhibit A with Performance Outcomes (Revise number of clients served? Revise outcome statements?) Exhibit B –Budget (Revise budget line items?) Other Exhibits



8 Summary of reporting requirements Brief Narrative & Numbers to be served HMIS Participation If not participating in HMIS, what’s your data source? What documentation will be submitted? Required documentation Participation in Coordinated Intake & Program Standards Homeless services outcomes are standardized Outcomes may need adjusting before finalizing contract

9 Summary of Reimbursement Request process Indirect Cost documentation if requested Financial records to be maintained Personnel, Direct Client Assistance, Program operations Most projects not fully funded Budget line items are proposed and may need adjusting before finalizing contract

10 Presented by Adam Brown Executive Director; Disability and Legal Services

11 Quarterly Reporting and Data Collection  Race / Ethnicity / Income  Tutorial available on CDC-Funding Wiki  Summary of Other Funding Sources  To be submitted with the 4 th quarter report – Federal: All funding from HUD – even if they come through the state level – State/Local Government funds – Private –Foundations, Businesses, Private Donors, Fundraising, etc.  ESG Addendum (If applicable)

12 Every reimbursement request must be accompanied by:

13 Reports Due  1 st Qtr. ends 9/30 - due 10/10  2 nd Qtr. ends 12/31 - due 1/10  3 rd Qtr. ends 3/31 - due 4/10  4 th Qtr. ends 6/30 - due 7/10



16 Due Quarterly… at minimum

17 Follow instructions on the WIKI

18 Must include every service location SCCDC and County of Sonoma listed as additionally insured Endorsement must accompany Certificate


20 Submission of Board Minutes and Board of Director Rosters Please remember to forward Board meeting minutes in a PDF format electronically once approved by your Board of Directors - no less than quarterly

21 Monitoring of Subrecipients Desktop vs. On-site Monitoring (handouts)

22 Desktop Monitoring Questionnaire – May Policies: Personnel, Employee Grievance Policy, Conflict of Interest, Non-Discrimination Policy, Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy, Procurement Policy, Minority & Women’s Business Enterprise Outreach Policy, Limited English Proficiency Policy, Program Procedures and Policies, Client Grievance Policy Comprehensive List of Board of Directors Members

23 Exhibit D: HMIS & Other Homeless Particpation Requirements Interface with Exhibit A HMIS Transition Chronic Homeless Documentation Homeless Count Homeless Coordinated Intake Program Standards

24 Increased monitoring visits All Federally Funded Programs! 3 Year funded programs in year 2 Some others as well… Organizations will be informed one month prior to visit

25 Understand the contents of Exhibit D in your funding agreement Identify your agency HMIS Czar (see attached) Assure 95% minimum data quality requirement Notify HMIS Coordinator when employees have vacated their HMIS role (data entry or otherwise) Interface with Exhibit A Deliverables

26 Homeless Status Verification At-Risk of Homeless Status Verification All other HMIS Assessments as covered in training

27 Homeless Count – January 29, 2016 Homeless Coordinated Intake Program Standards Development & Compliance Other Participation Requirements for homeless-related programs


29 Exhibit E : Federal Funding Requirements

30 Compliance with CDBG and/or ESG regulations Program Income treated differently NEW: ESG Coordinated Intake and Program Standards requirements Other federal requirements: OMB requirements for financial record keeping; annual financial audits Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity provisions Records retention (5 years per ESG rule)

31 Questions?

32 More Questions?

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