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Bone Health & Nutrients Chapter 11 – HLTH 120N. What do you know about your bones?  What is peak bone density?  At about what age do you reach it? 

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1 Bone Health & Nutrients Chapter 11 – HLTH 120N

2 What do you know about your bones?  What is peak bone density?  At about what age do you reach it?  What micronutrients are important for bone health?  What impacts bone strength at any age?  What builds bone?  What can cause bone breakdown?  Do you know how your bones & blood system work together?

3 Objectives  Know the structural and metabolic functions of bones  Recognize the vitamins and major minerals involved in bone health  Define peak bone density and know ages associated with buildup and decline  List diet and lifestyle factors involved in bone mineralization  Understand the mechanism of osteoporosis and what impacts it

4 Bone composition & growth  % minerals  &.  % organic substances  Collagen  Cortical bone: ___%  Trabecular bone: ___%  Faster turnover

5 Peak Bone Density  Stages of development  Growth  Modeling  Remodeling  Peak bone density  Occurs by age ___  Decline seen by age ___

6 Bone Functions Structure & SupportMetabolic Processes Physical SupportStorage site for many minerals Protection Production of blood cells in the marrow Movement

7 Calcium  Absorption increases with Functions  Provides structure to bones & teeth  Critical for nerve impulses &.  low intake = tetany; high intake = rigor  Regulation of blood pressure & clotting  Other health claims?

8 Calcium Considerations  AI  UL 2,500 mg all ages  If you do not consume dairy, should you supplement?  Low intake  Long term:  Excess  Interfere with mineral absorption  Hypercalcemia = deposits in soft tissue


10 Vitamin D  Made from when exposed to UV light  Kidneys are involved in conversion to active form  Considered a hormone  Regulates blood calcium  Absorption & excretion  Bone calcification/ crystallization  Decrease cancerous tumor formation  Cell differentiation

11 Intake Considerations  Sources  Best:  Excess  Can you get too much from the sun?  Only way to have toxic levels:  Causes hypercalcemia & increases bone loss  Deficiency  Kids = ________  Adults = ______________

12 Vitamin K  Found in diet and Functions 1) 2) Part of bone proteins for remodeling & creating the bone matrix  Sources: green leafy vegetables, vegetable oil Deficiency  Secondary  Poor ability to = bleeding

13 Phosphorus  Functions:  Bone formation, __________________, ATP  Found in milk, eggs, dairy, soft drinks  Soft drinks may be very bad for bone health  Consumed in place of milk/calcium beverages  Acidic properties cause loss of calcium from bone  Caffeine increases calcium loss in urine

14 Magnesium Functions  Mineralization of bone  Regulates Vitamin D activity  Cofactor for >300 enzymes  Supports muscle contraction & blood clotting  Supplements are shown to decrease colon cancer risk

15 Magnesium Intake  UL  None from foods/beverages  350 mg for supplementation  In green leafy veggies, whole grains, seeds, nuts  Absorption ___ with fiber, phytates, and high alcohol consumption; ___ with high protein  Excess: diarrhea, nausea, cramps  Severe w/ ________ disease  Deficiency causes low blood.

16 Fluoride  99% in body is in bones & ____________  Enhances bone/tooth mineralization  Inhibits acid-producing bacteria (tooth decay)  Need very small amounts; UL 2.2 mg / 10 mg  Sources:  Excess: Fluorosis  Deficiency?

17 Osteoporosis  “porous bone”  Low bone mass / deterioration of bone tissue  Increased fragility & risk of.  Most common sites –  Increase risk of infection  ____% risk of death within 1 year of hip fracture  1/3 women and 1/__ men worldwide affected


19 6 Major Osteoporosis Risk Factors

20 Physical Inactivity & Bone Loss  Regular exercise is very protective vs. osteoporosis  Which exercise is most beneficial?  Helpful stress on bones increases density  Can exercise have negative effects?

21 Osteoporosis treatment  There is no cure for osteoporosis  Ways to slow the progression:  Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake  Regular exercise (weight-bearing)  Anti-resorptive medications  Manipulate phosphate, calcitonin, estrogen, and other body hormones

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