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Is Your Heart Right with God? It is time for a check-up Acts 8:18-24.

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1 Is Your Heart Right with God? It is time for a check-up Acts 8:18-24

2 Introduction Simon was just converted Great joy – welcome to the family of God Simon sinned – now in a horrible condition Acts 8:21Peter said – “You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God.” (Acts 8:21)

3 Introduction Don’t spend any more time in this condition Galatians 2:5Galatians 2:5 - to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. Is your heart right with God?

4 Simon’s Heart Heard and obeyed the gospel – Acts 8:13 Was saved – Mark 16:16 Some worldliness remains –He tried to buy the power of God –2 ways to receive power from God Apostles – Holy Spirit baptism Early Christians – laying on of apostle’s hands

5 Simon’s Heart Strong terms used –Heart is not right with God –In the bond of iniquity –In the gall of bitterness God’s plan to restore –Repent –Pray God for forgiveness –Ask others to pray for him

6 A Look at Your Heart Have you obeyed the gospel? Are you a Christian? Have you erred from the truth? Have you wandered away from God?

7 IS YOUR HEART RIGHT WITH GOD? 1.During worship? 2.Partaking of communion? 3.Giving to the work of Christ? 4.Forgiving others? 5.In prayer? 6.As you study the Bible? 7.Toward fellow Christians?

8 IS YOUR HEART RIGHT WITH GOD? Only YOU can answer the question How is your heart? Is it right with God? You can make it right today

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