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Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs). Types of BJTs  NPN  PNP.

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Presentation on theme: "Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs). Types of BJTs  NPN  PNP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)

2 Types of BJTs  NPN  PNP

3 NPN-BJT Structure n-type p-type n-type

4 NPN BJT Symbol E B C

5 PNP-BJT Structure p-type n-type p-type

6 PNP BJT Symbol  Emitter is reversed E B C

7 Current Flow Convention E Emitter (n-type) Base (p-type) Collector (n-type) B C IEIE IBIB ICIC


9 BJT structure note: this is a current of electrons (npn case) and so the conventional current flows from collector to emitter.

10 Transistor Connections  Common Base Connection  Common Collector Connection  Common Emitter Conncetion

11 Common Base Connection

12  Current Amplification Factor α =I C / I E ( constant V CB ) The value of α is lies b/w 0.9 to 0.999 Total collector current I C =αI E +I leakage

13 Common Collector Connection

14  Current Amplification Factor γ = I E /I B Expression for collector current. I C = I B /1-α + I CBO /1-α

15 Common Emitter Conncetion

16  Base Current Amplification Factor β= I C / I B The range of β is 20 to 500. Expression for collector current. I C = βI B + I CEO

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