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BY: SYDNEE VIDAL SPICE (SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA). INTRODUCTION Spice comes from the plant that marijuana is made of, making it synthetic is the added chemicals.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: SYDNEE VIDAL SPICE (SYNTHETIC MARIJUANA). INTRODUCTION Spice comes from the plant that marijuana is made of, making it synthetic is the added chemicals."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION Spice comes from the plant that marijuana is made of, making it synthetic is the added chemicals Spice is the second most popular just behind marijuana Spice being made of herbs and added chemicals, is abused by smoking and infused to be drank. Spice has different nick names such as; K2, fake weed, Yucatan Fire, Skunk, and Moon Rocks Some are labeled with “not for human consumption” and somehow considered “safe”

3 EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN There are no proven direct effects straight to the brain. The main effect is that it does give one hallucinations Because it is similar to marijuana, it does still enter the brain, sending a chemical similar to THC and blocks receptors.

4 EFFECTS ON THE BODY The body effects are practically the same as marijuana Those are; elevated mood, relaxation, and altered perception Some situations have shown spice effects to be stronger than those of marijuana Poison Control Centers have shown symptoms like rapid heart rate, vomiting, agitation, confusion, and hallucinations Spice can cause heart attacks due to the short blood supply to the heart

5 WHO DOES SPICE? It is mostly popular among teenagers and young adults More males than females use the drug

6 SPICE INTAKE When smoked, spice contains pieces of metal which effect the respiratory system and other problems in the throat etc Spice intake have caused young users to end up in the ER Because this drug is “natural” users think it is harmless The intake of the drug increased with young age because of the not so true fact maufacturers told buys; “It is not easily detected on drug tests

7 WHERE TO GET SPICE? Spice comes in square packages You could buy these packages of spice at smoke shops Before the illegal act of spice you could get it from gas stations

8 ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE Spice started out as a legal substance but that didn’t last long because of the danger it had on ones health DEA made spice illegal to sell, buy or posses any amount Manufacturers try to change the chemical substance so that it can be legal

9 WORK CITED PAGE "Dangerous Synthetic Drugs." NIDA. Web. 7 Apr 2014. nida/legislative-activities/testimony-to- congress/2013/dangerous-synthetic-drugs. nida/legislative-activities/testimony-to- congress/2013/dangerous-synthetic-drugs "DrugFacts: Spice ("Synthetic Marijuana")." NIDA, n.d. Web. 7 Apr 2014. e-synthetic-marijuana. e-synthetic-marijuana "New research stresses potential health dangers of “bath salts”." NIDA, 17 Oct 2012. Web. 7 Apr 2014. releases/2012/10/. releases/2012/10/

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