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Regulations and Policies Regarding the Use of Animals in Research and Teaching Steven Niemi, DVM, Director, OAR Kathy Meunier, IACUC Administrator 12 August.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulations and Policies Regarding the Use of Animals in Research and Teaching Steven Niemi, DVM, Director, OAR Kathy Meunier, IACUC Administrator 12 August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulations and Policies Regarding the Use of Animals in Research and Teaching Steven Niemi, DVM, Director, OAR Kathy Meunier, IACUC Administrator 12 August 2016 Responsible Conduct of Research

2 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Ensures that animal care and use on campus is in accordance with federal regulations, state laws, city ordinances and guidelines Review and approve proposed activities (protocols) involving animals in research, testing, or teaching, and significant changes to previously approved activities (amendments). Review any concerns about the care and use of animals at the institution “Whistle Blower Policy”

3 IACUC and OAR  Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) : Internal committee that reviews animal protocols / amendments (includes Harvard scientists, veterinarians and IACUC admin staff)  IACUC administration: Support for Principal Investigators (PIs) and IACUC, assist in animal protocol submission and review process  Office of Animal Resources (OAR): Animal housing and veterinary support, protocol consultation

4 The Court of Public Opinion Use of animals in research is a privilege, not a right The public allows us to use animals in research and accidental or deliberate maltreatment of animals could result in revocation of their permission Be mindful and thoughtful

5 The Whole World Is Watching

6 Science Videos On-line

7 (Smarter) Science Videos On-line

8 Pop quiz! Do you need an IACUC protocol if you are: 1. Using live animals for studies? What about mice? What about zebrafish? What about octopi? What about wild chipmunks? What if you’re only observing the chipmunks? 2. Using live animals for teaching only? 3. Using animal tissue only? 4. Using cells (from culture) only? Ok to include human subjects in the IACUC protocols?

9 What do you think?!..... You have received NIH funding and IACUC approval to perform brain surgery and behavioral testing on 10 rats. Is it acceptable to: 1. Use 20 rats..10 died during surgery and only those that recovered and completed behavioral testing “count” 2. Use 10 mice instead... a new GM animal became available in a colleague's lab 3. Collect a blood sample during surgery for baseline data 4. Change anesthetic or post operative analgesic regimen for one “better suited” for brain surgery 5. Allow a visiting scientist to perform the surgery (she is the resident expert at her institution)

10 Non-Compliance Consequences Possible impact determined by multiple factors and can result in: 1. Retraining of individual or entire lab 2. Individual loss of research privileges - Voluntary by PI or IACUC-mandated 3. Protocol suspension - Voluntary by PI or IACUC-mandated 4. Funding agency notified - Funding impacted with possible reimbursement of funding source 5. Unable to publish data - Possible retraction of previously published data 6. Sanctions and adverse publicity for Harvard University

11 We’re On Your Side Eliminated/streamlined previously required parts and steps for protocol review and approval Replaced mandatory (and dull) triennial regulatory refresher seminar with instructional sessions to facilitate protocol writing and review Simplified protocol form with optional boilerplate content Expedited some protocol approval processes Streamlined onboarding process for new users (what else can we do for you?)

12 How To Contact: IACUC Administration- Harvard University Email: Primary Contacts: Kathy Meunier: Steve Crowley: New Website!:

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