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Building a Twitter Analysis Tool, Using PHP, MySQL, Yahoo UI, and the Netbeans IDE Justin Bolter, Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Twitter Analysis Tool, Using PHP, MySQL, Yahoo UI, and the Netbeans IDE Justin Bolter, Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Twitter Analysis Tool, Using PHP, MySQL, Yahoo UI, and the Netbeans IDE Justin Bolter, Technology Evangelist Sun Microsystems

2 Agenda  Netbeans Introduction  Twitter Search API  Application Overview  PHP Features  JavaScript Features  Yahoo UI  NetBeans and MySQL interaction  CSS Support

3 Netbeans IDE  Open Source  Latest Release: 6.5.1 (6.7 Beta soon!)  2008 & 2009  Product of the Year (IDE)  20+ Million Downloads  Vibrant Community  3 rd Party Plugins  Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and OpenSolaris  Support for many languages (Java, JavaFX, Ruby/JRuby, JavaScript, Groovy)

4 Twitter and Search API  Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates (known as tweets), which are text- based posts of up to 140 characters in length.  Twitter provides a search API to allow us to retrieve past tweets. (Up to 1500)  Returns JSON data


6 Twitter Search Example   Up to 1500 results per query  15 pages x 100 results per page  { "results":[{  "text":"OMG! Django no Netbeans! http:\/\/\/bc8w8b",  "to_user_id":null,  "from_user":"marciohiroyuki",  "id":1312711342,  "from_user_id":1714258,  "iso_language_code":"no",  "source":"<a href="http:\/\/\/">TwitterFox<\/a>",  "profile_image_url":"http:\/\/\/twitter_production\/profile_images\/68849164\/Photo_1_normal.jpg",  "created_at":"Wed, 11 Mar 2009 21:14:09 +0000"  }...

7 What are we going to build?  TwitterGraph  A twitter analysis tool that graphs the number of tweets over time  How?  User Twitter search to find tweets  Use MySQL to store tweets  Use Yahoo UI to graph tweets over time  Use PHP to provide data to Yahoo UI  Use Netbeans to pull it all together!

8 How does this application work?  User enters keyword(s)  App creates TwitterSearch object with keywords  TwitterSearch->findTweets() searches twitter and inserts up to 100 results into the MySQL database, returns init string for next page of results  YUI displays chart  AJAX request calls TwitterSearch->findTweets(init_str) at a set interval to find additional tweets (up to 1500, 100 at a time)  YUI chart updates when new data is available in the MySQL database

9 Netbeans PHP Features  Project support  Run configurations  Versioning  Navigator  Code completion  Code templates  Syntax coloring  Hyperlinking  Documentation  Unit Testing  Debugging

10 Netbeans JavaScript Features  Bundled libraries  Navigator  Code completion  Syntax coloring  Documentation  Debugging  Quick fixes

11 Yahoo UI  Experimental charts package  Polls datasource to update chart  Extend functionality to mouseover and see tweets

12 MySQL  Use Netbeans with your database  Database browser  View/Edit your data and commit changes  SQL code completion  Code completion within your PHP files!

13 Cascading Style Sheets  Code completion  Style builder  Preview window

14 Demo!  TwitterGraph  PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, CSS

15 What else are we missing?  PHP unit testing  Debugging

16 PHP Unit Testing  PHPUnit 3.3.0 needed for GUI  Available in 6.7M3 or daily builds

17 PHP Debugger  For when echo() and var_dump() just don't cut it  Set breakpoints  Examine the call stack  Local variables  Global variables  Create watch expressions

18 Demo!  PHP Debugger

19 Project Kenai  A platform and ecosystem for Developers to:  Freely host open source projects and code  Connect, Communicate, Collaborate and Code with peers  Eventually easily deploy applications/services to “clouds” 


21 Additional Resources  Project Kenai   Netbeans Tutorials     Me  

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