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"what's more important – and quite unlike the proprietary world – is that free software vendors need reminding that they're stewards for people's software.

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Presentation on theme: ""what's more important – and quite unlike the proprietary world – is that free software vendors need reminding that they're stewards for people's software."— Presentation transcript:

1 "what's more important – and quite unlike the proprietary world – is that free software vendors need reminding that they're stewards for people's software and ideas. And Linux is the best possible ark for bringing those ideas home." - Graham Morrison (déc. 2010,, )

2 Short talk (30 min.) Questions welcomed at the end or on the booth

3 Mandriva Linux Since 1998 Nice innovations Great plans (users first) Great community Great distribution Great tools but...

4 Quite a disturbing experience We will not detail

5 How to improve on this?

6 Change the rule Get the community to take control over the whole project Fork

7 Whole project: code, hardware, hosting, funding, decisions, direction

8 Control through elected governance bodies: Team leaders, Council & Board

9 Community: users & contributors (all disciplines, individuals & orgs)

10 Set of principles

11 People first Trust Subsidiarity

12 Learning by experimenting Economic perspective & relevance Practical relevance (not yet another linux distro)


14 Objectives (1/2) Ease packagers & users life Grow the culture of learning through the project (learning from people, from experience; in technology, sw dev, privacy, artwork, personal data & activities, project mgmt, community & sharing economics) Use technology & economics as trusted tools to empower people Distribute more through the community (subsidiarity)

15 Objectives 2/2 Get a better understanding of people behaviour regarding computing devices Get a better real-life integration of the distribution (devices, contexts, uses) Experiment a sustainable economic model around the project, matching its core values

16 Roadmap

17 Getting things started (expected 1 month, took 2-3 months) Association legal/admin setup Explain the project Design and discuss the governance Gather teams Minimum communication infrastructure Getting everyone to work

18 Getting a working factory (expected 3 months, took 5) We are here today Clean, independant, owned technical platform (buildsystem) Cleaned up sources Bootstrapped distribution First alpha expected for Feb. 15 th

19 Releasing a stable distribution (expected 6 months at first, most likely 9 in the end) Stable release planned for June, 1 Each team to have elected leads and reps Fully elected governance components (Council, Board, Teams)

20 Brainstorming the community (pending, will get a boost after Mageia 1 release)

21 For who?

22 contributors devs, hackers, students everyday users schools, admins, labs all disciplines encouraged

23 Who?

24 17 founders ~600 volunteers ~50 very active people 15 teams


26 Distro dev.Packaging/Sec.QA TriageI18n Sysadmin DocWebArtwork LegalDesign/UXHardware Marketing/Communication Forums/IRC/MLLocal communities

27 A team? Representative Leader Peers Apprentices

28 Governance

29 community (needs/ideas/means) 15 teams (reflexion/production) 1 council (driving,conflict mgmt) 1 board (direction, conflict mgmt) association (structure)


31 Putting principles & values into action

32 People first => privacy, responsibility, meritocracy, pedagogy

33 Trust, goodwill => staged governance, elected people, subsidiarity (board, council, teams, sub projects)

34 Learning =>

35 Economic relevance => ecosystem (schools, enterprises)

36 Practical relevance => not yet another distribution, match community needs and analysis

37 Forking for dummies in 10 points

38 It's fun! It's started! You are welcome to join! Or... see you next year!

39 (in 19 languages already)

40 We love your feedback

41 Verbatim/CC-By license Mageia logo by ofaurax Mageia logo « only for testing » by alexn83

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