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ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Development and adoption of project.

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Presentation on theme: "ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Development and adoption of project."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Development and adoption of project Cisco, Intel, Microsoft joint contribution to improve education  Joint company taskforce – 9 members  Dr Robert Kozma as consultant Aim to improve 21st century skills  Define them clearly  Make them measurable  Connect with the classroom Cisco, Intel Microsoft now supporting an international team

2 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Development and adoption of project PROJECT RATIONALE Major Changes in the Economy and Work Major Changes in Society and Everyday Life Little Change in Education The Need to Transform Assessment “Current assessments reflect typical pedagogical and assessment practices found in classrooms but they are also a key determiner of what students learn in classrooms and how that is taught. Consequently, assessment reform is key to the transformation of the educational system as a whole.”

3 Existing models of assessment are typically at odds with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and characteristics of self-directed and collaborative learning that are increasingly important for our global economy and fast changing world. New assessments are needed that measure these skills and provide information that is needed by students, teachers, parents, administrators, and policymakers to catalyze and support systemic education reform. These assessments should engage students in the use of technology and digital resources and the application of a deep understanding of subject knowledge to solve complex, real world tasks and create new ideas, content, and knowledge. Intel, Microsoft, and Cisco Education Taskforce Transforming Education: Assessing and Teaching the Skills Needed in the 21 st Century A Call to Action Assessment in 21 st Century

4 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Engagement of countries and other companies Founder Countries  Australia, Finland, Portugal, Singapore, UK, USA Other countries can join  Collaborative electronic space Other companies can fund work  If it fits the project’s program  If the company has relevant expertise  If the company agrees that all results will be in the public domain, as Cisco, Intel and Microsoft have.

5 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft White papers developed in 2009 by working groups Defining 21st Century Skills  Ms Senta Raizen, WestEd Methodological Issues  Dr Mark Wilson, University of California, Berkeley Technological Issues  Dr Beno Csapo, University of Szeged, Hungary Classrooms and Formative Evaluation.  Dr John Bransford, University of Washington Dr Marlene Scardamalia, University of Toronto Policy Frameworks for New Assessments  Dr Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University

6 Country/ RegionDocument(s) European UnionKey Competencies for Lifelong Learning – A European Reference Framework, November 2004 Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning. Implementation of “Education and Training 2010” Work Programme. SOURCE: learning/keycomp_en.pdf European UnionNew Millennium Learners Project: Challenging our Views on ICT and Learning SOURCE:,3343,en_2649_35845 581_38358154_1_1_1_1,00.html USA (Partnership for 21 st Century Skills) P21 Framework Definitions P21 Framework Flyer SOURCE: work_definitions_052909.pdf Defining 21st Century Skills

7 JapanCenter for Research on Educational Testing (CRET) AustraliaMelbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians SOURCE: ation_on_the_Educational_Goals_for_Young_Australians.pdf ScotlandA Curriculum for Excellence – the Four Capabilities SOURCE: EnglandThe Learning Journey England Personal Learning & Thinking Skills – The National Curriculum for England SOURCE:,%20learning%20a nd%20thinking%20skills%20leaflet_tcm8-12831.pdf Defining 21st Century Skills

8 Northern IrelandAssessing the cross curricular skills SOURCE: reporting/cross_curricular_skills.asp ISTENational Educational Technology Standards for Students, Second Edition, Global Learning in the Digital Age USA. National Academies, science for the 21 st Century Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and the Development of 21 st Century Skills USA, Department of Labor Competency Models: A Review of the Literature and The Role of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), Michelle R. Ennis Defining 21st Century Skills

9 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft Defining 21st Century Skills Conceptual structure  Ways of thinking Creativity and innovation Critical thinking, problem solving Learning to learn, metacognition  Ways of working Communication Collaboration (teamwork)  Tools for working Information literacy ICT literacy  Living in the world Citizenship – local and global Life and career Personal, social responsibility

10 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft A framework for 21 st century skills Assessments signal priorities for curriculum and instruction Teachers model the pedagogical approach Curriculum developers respond Schools and teachers tend to focus on what is tested rather than underlying standards or learning goals May encourage a one-time performance orientation and transmission-type teaching Instructional/teaching time is diverted to specific test preparation activities

11 ATC21S Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills The University of Melbourne Cisco Intel Microsoft

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