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SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY Believes that knowledge begins with the selection of ideas from every day experiences. Emphasizes.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY Believes that knowledge begins with the selection of ideas from every day experiences. Emphasizes."— Presentation transcript:


2 SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIVISM THEORY Believes that knowledge begins with the selection of ideas from every day experiences. Emphasizes the importance of culture and context in understanding what occurs in society and constructing knowledge based on this understanding Learning by engaging in real-life situation. Uses language as a way for social coordination and adaptation. Uses collaborative learning

3 Assumptions Reality * believe that reality is constructed through human activity Knowledge * is a human product and is socially and culturally constructed Learning * learning as social process * meaningful learning occurs when individuals engaged in social activities.

4 How to apply in classroom? Learning and development is a social and collaborative activity School learning should appear in a meaningful context. Relate out-of –school experience to the child’s school experience.

5 Types of Instruction in Social Constructivist Theory Telecommunications tools such as e-mail and the internet provide a means for dialogue, discussion, and debate Networked writing programs provides a unique platform for collaborative writing Simulations

6 Examples of Social Constructivist Classroom Activities Reading and Writing Workshop Collaboration in the workshop entails sharing responses, ideas, drafts, and finished written products through conferences with the teacher, conferences and journal exchanges with peers and the teacher, and with members of the student's wider, non classroom, community such as parents.

7 Situated Learning A Day in the Life... from Curriculum Associates is an interactive job-readiness program that asses and teaches basic skills and employability within the career fields of food services, health, maintenance, retail, clerical, and customer service. Collaborative Learning Learning is promoted through collaboration -- collaboration among students, and between students and teacher.

8 Anchored Instruction approach is an attempt to help students become more actively engaged in learning by situating or anchoring instruction around an interesting topic Games and Simulation, engaging children in group games makes them think critically on how to win the game.

9 Case - Based Instruction, A case is a written or video summary of an activity, situation, event, or process Problem Solving Problem solving activities help students develop the ability to think critically, analyze problems, and find and use appropriate learning resources

10 Example of Traditional Method The teacher will group the pupils by 8’s. They are going to make a script and act it on the class.

11 Example of IT Based Method GM3NWNnZnZfMjBnaGhzN2hmbg&hl=en&authkey=CKyS8 asM GM3NWNnZnZfMjBnaGhzN2hmbg&hl=en&authkey=CKyS8 asM

12 Prepared by: De Guzman, Leopoldo Jr. Sabugo, Jo Ann Nocillas, Rose

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